Developer Tooling and Libraries

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 23 Apr 2024 12:00 to 07 May 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 300000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$30000 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
An open-source Ethereum development toolkit featuring NextJS, auto-adapting frontend for smart contracts, custom React hooks, component library, burner wallet, local faucet, and wallet provider integration.
An open-source JavaScript library enabling developers to build DApps by interacting with EVM-compatible blockchains; web3.js has over 2 million monthly downloads and powers 4500+ projects.
OpenZeppelin Contracts
Popular Solidity development library used for smart contract creation, recently updated to version 5.0 with modern practices, security improvements, and enhanced efficiency. Funds will support ongoing development and security.
Free multi-chain contract management and debugging tool for developers, offering no-code interfaces, collaborative features, commenting, and team sharing - aiming to simplify and enhance smart contract development.
Vue Dapp
Vue Dapp is a Vue-based web3 library that simplifies the development of dapps with crypto wallet integration and state management, supporting various blockchain libraries and offering starter templates.
Zk- Block | Tools for Zk & Web3 Dapps
Developed as a boilerplate for zk-SNARKs dapps, the expanded toolkit now includes a suite of utilities for creating various web3 applications and smart contracts, aiding in development efficiency.
Unlock Protocol
Open-source protocol for creators to issue NFT-based memberships allowing gating of content and benefits, with collective ownership and governance by members.
Ape Framework
Development of an advanced smart contract framework for Python developers working with Ethereum and various blockchain ecosystems, trusted by major crypto projects.
Otterscan is an open-source, fast, local, laptop-friendly Ethereum block explorer
Blockscout Open-Source Block Explorer
Etherscan downtime highlighted the importance of alternative block explorers like Blockscout, emphasizing the need for multiple, open-source tools for ecosystem resilience and transparency.
Iggy - Web3 Social Framework
Iggy is a free, open-source Web3 framework for easily creating social apps for communities, featuring optional plugins like a token swap, NFT launchpad, and more.
Ethereum UI toolkit offering wallet capabilities, developer tools, and power user features by integrating with Anvil and Foundry, enhancing both smart contract and frontend development workflows, available since May 2023.
Open Source Account Abstraction SDK written in Dart. Enabling developers to Build Cross Platform Native Ethereum Apps easily, primarily targeting iOS and Android platforms.
Kredeum NFTs Factory
User-friendly WordPress plugin for effortlessly creating and managing NFT marketplaces with multi-chain support and decentralized, IPFS-backed storage.
Jolly Roger and Hardhat-deploy
Game studio developing open-source gaming software and tools including a deployment plugin, a connection library, a typescript indexer, and a template for decentralized game applications.