Web3 Community and Education
Ran on the PGN Mainnet blockchain from 15 Nov 2023 12:00 to 29 Nov 2023 23:59 (UTC).
DAI 200000
Matching pool
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
Total Donations
$14840 DAI
Matching Cap
Matching Cap
Total Donors
Total Donors
29 Nov 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Gemma’s Artist DAO & Grants Program
Seeking funding to establish a DAO-run treasury, Gemma's Artist Treasury will distribute grants to artists, fostering the cultural influence of web3 and promoting onchain creativity.
Donor amount: $25.77
Match amount: $67.66
25 contributions
Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative
Nonprofit researching technology and governance, providing educational resources and tools like digital catalogues, newsletters, and assessment frameworks to foster literacy and practical connections in innovation.
Donor amount: $32.26
Match amount: $59.98
25 contributions
Afro Blockchain Carnival
Host a night carnival for 500+ web3 enthusiasts to showcase projects and educate on blockchain technology.
Donor amount: $27.13
Match amount: $61.32
33 contributions
Delta Dao- A Web3 Educational Initiative for Girls
Delta Dao supports Web3 education in India by enrolling out-of-school girls, improving foundational Web3 and numeracy skills, and leveraging community volunteers and government resources for sustained impact.
Donor amount: $25.38
Match amount: $55.61
27 contributions
Greenpill Kenya
Greenpill Kenya aims to foster public health, knowledge, food sustainability, and financial inclusivity through eco-friendly web3 meetups, trainings, and organic farming, while engaging in environmental conservation and community events.
Donor amount: $28.17
Match amount: $48.79
21 contributions
refi node ile-ife Nigeria
Refi Node Ileife initiative focuses on crop diversity, reducing carbon footprint, preserving arts and artefacts, and promoting waste and plastic recycling in the Ileife community.
Donor amount: $20.40
Match amount: $39.48
28 contributions
Empowering Web3 Education with GetCrypto Card Game
Designing an engaging, non-tech card game to simplify crypto/Web3 education, planning community meetups, collaborations with influencers, and sponsoring events to facilitate learning, particularly in Spain, Portugal, Korea, and Vietnam.
Donor amount: $25.08
Match amount: $27.74
23 contributions
Unknown blog
A blog focusing on DeFi education, user onboarding tutorials, and newsletter publication including Curve Newsletter and Prisma digest, aimed at supporting and educating the community.
Donor amount: $28.03
Match amount: $23.04
33 contributions
Learn Self-Custody with irish
Developing a user-friendly Web3 onboarding platform for artists, combined with monthly marketing workshops and a supportive community.
Donor amount: $16.26
Match amount: $25.29
20 contributions
inDemniFi Crypto
Developing an SDK to offer insurance and risk management for crypto wallets, bolstered by a Covalent grant for API credits, and providing a free risk analysis tool online.
Donor amount: $17.68
Match amount: $6.99
19 contributions
Nomad Matters 遊牧者計畫
Initiative to fund a responsible digital nomad lifestyle, offering exploratory grants and community support for sustainable travel, local engagement, and creative digital work.
Donor amount: $5.13
Fractal Visions
We are developing a creator hub on web3 that rewards impactful creators with a retroactive rewards system, starting on the Optimism network, to onboard people into the public goods ecosystem.
Nomad Matters 遊牧者計畫
倡議一種負責任的數字遊民生活,是 Matters 發起遊牧者資助計畫的初衷。計畫希望幫助更多人以遊牧的方式,走進不一樣的世界;也提醒路上的人反思與連結,回到不一樣的自己。
Matters 相信數字遊⺠是一群很有創造和爆發潛力的人,他們四處游走,一直在路上生活、思考,具有靈活性和彈性,可以創造出不被地域框著的想像力和行動力。因此,我們宣布舉辦「數字遊⺠節」,希望邀請所有願意走出、探尋全新的生活工作秩序的夥伴,加入我們,深刻理解數字遊⺠的生活型態背後所代表的自由,以及反思和以自身作出回應;同時,我們也知道這條全新的路徑依舊充滿迷霧,需要更多人在這條路上去探索,打通每一個關卡,獲得生命的體驗、思考的方式、數位工作的可能性,再帶回來,跟我們一起作出分享。
因此 Matters 希望透過這次活動,為願意上路開啟探索的夥伴,提供初始基金和社群支援,為你搭建出發前的安全網絡,讓你在路途中可以盡情探索世界。
本次馬特市數字遊⺠節初始總獎金池為 $ 5000 美金,由 Matters 站上用戶對申請徵文公開評選,Matters 會為獲選的數字遊⺠提供資源。此外,若果你最終獲得的獎金與你的出行預算並不相符,唯你一旦參加活動並獲得獎金,你便需要按照投稿文章的原定計劃出行,除非有特別原因,我們將在獲獎名單公佈後兩周內跟你確認細節。如果有獲獎者未能出行,我們將採取遞補處理,具體內容可以後續關注 Matters 官方公告。
我們也同樣希望關注這種生活方式的小夥伴們可以通過Gitcoin19參與進來,跟Matters一起支持這些探索者。我們會在Gitcoin19 Grants完成之後正式開始數字遊民節徵稿活動。
-提交計畫:2023 年 12 月 15 日 - 2024 年 1 月 15 日
-投票日期:2023 年 12 月 15 日 - 2024 年 1 月 19 日
-公布投票結果及分數:2024 年 1 月 26 日
-公示期:2024 年 1 月 26 日 - 2024 年 1 月 30 日
-最終結果確認及公布:2024 年 2 月 1 日
-獲獎者陸續出發:2024 年 2 月開始(Matters 會與獲獎者溝通未來的行程計劃與抵達目的地的時間,以及簽署合約)
Web3 with Dhee Cohort: Basics to Intermediate of Web3
Starting a web3 cohort to transition beginners to intermediate users through a 2-month, fun, accessible program while promoting inclusion and diversity in the space.
Distroid is a unified digital catalogue and knowledge graph curating grey literature on innovation and technology, providing searchable access via newsletters, web-interface, and data visualizations for researchers, businesses, and educators.