Web3 Open Source Software

Ran on the PGN Mainnet blockchain from 15 Nov 2023 12:00 to 29 Nov 2023 23:59 (UTC).
DAI 200000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$14840 DAI
Matching Cap
Total Donors
29 Nov 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Cycle Stark
Decentralized finance platform enabling collective fund pooling with smart contracts, facilitating scheduled payouts, member locking mechanism for security, blacklisting to prevent fraud, and empowering global financial collaboration.
Social Finance Platform combining social media and web3 technology, offering decentralized crypto and fiat transactions with a simple interface and secure MPC algorithm for user privacy.
Peer-to-peer, ownerless, open-source DEX facilitating feeless, cross-chain swaps and OTC market integration with developer-friendly SDK for modular swap applications and community-driven growth.
OP Medicine
Develop tools for secure, transparent medical trial and clinical testing using Ethereum and Optimism blockchains, enhancing drug testing transparency and healthcare data management.
Decentralized cross-chain bridge implementing L0 technology for secure, low-fee, flexible transactions with liquidity options and DAO-managed cross-chain registration and fees.
Developing advanced DeFi money market tools for capital efficiency, Loanshark offers lending protocols with isolated risk pools and automated borrowing management on the Scroll platform.
Kommodo is a collateralized, oracle-free lending protocol leveraging AMM liquidity to ensure loan collateral remains at or above the borrowed amount, eliminating liquidations.
Actor Protocol
An automated crypto platform offering users and traders the ability to set up custom conditions and actions for transaction execution, aiming for efficiency and decentralization across DeFi protocols.
Monas is developing a decentralized platform for personal data storage, featuring DIDs, Cryptree structure, P2P networking, blockchain-verified authenticity, and interoperable data management to realize a user-centric Data Web.
Web3-based document management platform offering decentralized storage, secure file sharing, creator spaces with chatrooms, tokenization, and a social community for content monetization and search capabilities.
A Web3.0 image sharing platform with IPFS distributed storage, offering secure upload and sharing with a 25 MB size limit, preservation of original images, and global CDN acceleration.
Developing a user-friendly platform for batching cross-network DeFi transactions, DefiLens aims to simplify trading processes, optimize outcomes, and enhance user experience with advanced features.
Twitter Plugin Wallet based on ERC 4337 and Account Abstraction. Users can create their own wallet without private keys and gas fee. And also no need to concern about safety.
Building a decentralized social economy network to connect creators, brands, and users, with initiatives in payment systems, content distribution, and data privacy on the blockchain.
Developing a decentralized OS for computing, storage, multi-chain access, with high-level security for wallet keys, aiming for Alpha release by end of 2023.