average score over 1 application evaluations
Avano, formerly Akorn, focuses on creating a decentralized monitoring, verification, and reporting system (dMRV) for regenerative actions, and fostering art for public good. It channels received funds into strategic areas including dMeter development, education, publications, NFT marketplace creation for public good, and web3 technology adoption. It also holds various NFTs, supports environmental initiatives, and contributes towards significant collaborations.

Avano is a proud member of Panvala League. Donations in PAN are much appreciated and can help us access additional matched funding. You can get PAN here: https://app.1inch.io/#/1/unified/swap/DAI/PAN. Avano is also a verified organization on Giveth. Donations on Giveth are much appreciated https://giveth.io/project/return-to-green The original idea of Avano (our old name was Akorn) is presented here in an intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqbmqB3unuI. Since then our work has been separated into two primary sections. Firstly, furthering the creation of a decentralized monitoring, reporting and verification system (dMRV). Secondly, empowering synergistic emergence for public good, through art and web3. After the name of each of our sub orgs you can find the percent of funds that will be channeled from funds raised in this round. The Avano DAO wiki can be found here: https://avano.gitbook.io/avano/avano and we readily share what we are up to through our Twitter. To check out other projects in the ReFi ecosystem, check out this map we created and feel free to add your organization: https://www.mindmeister.com/map/2145029803?t=AiP70N5AmZ We Believe That You Should Hold What You Value. Treasury Management: We Have Over 50 NFTs, Many of Which Are From Public Good Organizations including the first NFT created of an Endangered Tree Species from the Endangered Tokens Foundation We have invested in both Eden DAO https://twitter.com/TheEdenDao and Basin DAO https://twitter.com/basinDAO We Hold the Majority of Funding Received in Klima and Regen Decentralized Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (dMRV) Systems: dMeter 20% of Funds https://dmeter.super.site/ 75% of funds raised from GR14 by Avano were channeled into a shared treasury initiating dMeter. dMeter is one of the first organizations of its kind. It is an organization of organizations that incentivizes cross organizational (decentralized) collaboration for monitoring, reporting and verification. This dMRV system is particularly geared towards data collection of regenerative actions (such as tree planting) and the benefits from them (such as benefits to water, soil, air, etc.). To further support dMeter’s growth 25% of funds raised by Avano from GR15 were channeled to dMeter. Now 50% of the funds raised from this grant round (GR16), will go towards furthering the newly established Desci branch of dMeter. Important Metrics Established dMeter's socials (138+ members in Discord currently) WG lead's elected (7 different working group leads, each from a unique dMRV organization) Pilot project identified (Ogalla Life in Texas) with future pilots listed (Next likely to be in Paraguay and Colombia. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dMeter/comments/vgyf4f/irl_pilot_projects/ ) Mechanisms for incentivizing decentralized contributions established USD $1,000 per month for working group leads and Dework for further contributors: https://app.dework.xyz/dmeter Held over 95 synchronous dMeter meetings and had input from dozens of individuals from different organizations on development trajectory since last Gitcoin grant round Mapped out dMeter Discord members: https://sobol.io/d/refidao/team/hARhOQGmrr/overview Identified and prioritized 12 different writings from past research that are now undergoing a Desci process for formalizing them into publishable papers: https://osf.io/pwr5j/?view_only=399530f253454609a320da3f7ba1c4ec Avano's founder is currently in New Zealand doing a PhD in regenerative cryptoeconomics and how web3 technology can be applied to hazards and areas impacted by natural disasters. In particular they’re creating a machine learning algorithm for prioritizing conservation of existing ecosystems based on their ability to increase wellbeing and resilience of populations to natural disasters. https://osf.io/ujhkq/?view_only=3b818fd552fa489fb40e3a6f85dc88ae Avano’s founder has also started an open source collaborative book that explores various web3 topics, found here: https://avano.gitbook.io/regenerative-cryptoeconomics-book/ Started Staking Half of dMeter treasury with https://app.spirals.so/ to further support planetary regeneration Future Fund Use Funds will be used to further incentivize contributions in dMeter. In particular to: Further Desci community build and strategic design. As well as each working group that is part of dMeter Work on Publications. Work on Shared Infrastructure. Research Design. Strategic Partnerships for Research Being Carried Out. Art and Public Good: Return to Green 20% of Funds Raised https://linktr.ee/returntogreen The first ReFi Metaverse event raised 5.3 eth for environmental organizations on Giveth. Organizations responded that this funding allowed them immensely; they established a recycling center in El Salvador and doubled their treasury budget in Brazil for example. There was a full day of ReFi talks (recorded on our Youtube: https://youtu.be/8C3ya7dNulc) from leaders all over the world. Music was streamed into the metaverse from two different stages (12 hours each stage) and 52 NFTs from 40+ artists were auctioned for the environment! From the success of this event a following event was coordinated for September 9th in New Zealand around Mental Health as a public good. There was a custom metaverse space created for a Gender neutral, identity fluid, artist that is a DAO to portray their current work as well as stream the opening exhibition event into the metaverse. This event sent .18ETH to PeepTers, Sage to Saddle, Gravity DAO, and Happy DAO from NFTs sold during the event. Check out the space here: https://www.voxels.com/play?coords=N@4665W,2194S To further support linguistic diversity in the crypto space, Return to Green hosted EthSantiago in their custom built boiler room space. This conference was entirely in Spanish. https://www.voxels.com/play?coords=W@2957W,3936N,0.5U Collaborated with AgroforestDAO to teach school children in Brazil how to build metaverse space and how planning in the metaverse can be useful for agroforestry principles. Can see the result of the collaboration here: https://www.voxels.com/play?coords=N@5196W,1814N By working closely with Charged Particles, Return to Green became affiliated with Grandmother Grove https://grandmothergrove.org/ and is now the official voice of Grandmother Gove on Twitter. Important Metrics For more details on the success of our first event can go here: https://medium.com/@Avano/refi-metaverse-event-how-to-ad91ae69afd8 161 followers on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReFiNFT We now own 2 metaverse spaces in Cryptovoxels and over 70 spaces in Over the Reality Over 700 visits to Agroforest DAO metaverse collaboration space Over 700 visits to EthSantiago space Over 6500 visits to our primary exhibition space: https://www.voxels.com/parcels/4147 Over 400 visits to the Mental Health Event space From Our Impact Became a Verified Organization on Giveth https://giveth.io/project/return-to-green Continued collaboration with IRL artist venue XCHC https://xchc.co.nz/ Future Fund Use Further support web3 technology adoption (especially metaverse) in South America Through Strategic Partnerships: EthSantiago, Endangered Foundation, and Agroforest DAO Purchase of Streaming Hardware for New Zealand Based Events Continued Work WIth New Zealand Artist Community in Adopting and Utilizing Web3 Technology Increase the Ability to Perpetually Plant Trees Through Grandmother Grove Public Good NFT Marketplace: FeNXT NFT Marketplace 60% of Funds Raised From the efforts of Return to Green, the need for an NFT marketplace that supports public good projects on Giveth was identified. Raid Guild was contracted for a design sprint of this marketplace After the design sprint was completed the results were shared on various forums of organizations that support public good. With the word getting out that we were wanting to start fundraising to create an MVP of this marketplace we were approached by Inverter Network a branch of PrimeDAO, asking if we were interested in being one of the first web3 organizations to utilize their newly created fundraising system. We were very intrigued and are now going to be part of their trial run in February. Can learn more about this marketplace here: https://gov.charged.fi/t/fenxt-nft-marketplace Important Metrics USDC $8,000 was spent to contract Raid Guild on a Design Sprint Created many forum posts sharing the idea, example post here: https://gov.charged.fi/t/fenxt-nft-marketplace Received Brand Guide from Raid Guild: https://www.figma.com/proto/IW6RiBBq6JiUFpQNsIUGfw/PGNFTMKT-Brand-Design?node-id=4%3A10&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=4%3A10 Received Scope of Work for What Needs to Be Built From Raid Guild: https://hackmd.io/IgJL2pxfSXWo35UKhROuYg?edit Accumulated a Contact List of Organizations to Reach Out To When Launching Fundraising Campaign with Inverter in February Future Fund Use Market Fundraising Campaign Hire DAO(s) (Raid Guild, General Magic, Buidl Guild etc.) to Build MVP of Marketplace

Avano History

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A community brigade dedicated to restoring storm-affected coral reefs seeks support for acquiring drones and temperature measuring devices to enhance monitoring and knowledge sharing.
The project offers an open-source dApp kit with optimized, customizable components to enhance developer experience and ensure secure, trustless dApp deployment, focused on accessibility and minimal ecosystem dependency.
Sci2sci is creating a decentralized data-sharing ecosystem for scientists with services including a structured data search engine, a research data publishing platform, and an integrated electronic lab notebook.
NALA aims to support Latin American artists by promoting their work through NFTs, providing education on digital markets, and fostering an art collective and community focused on leveraging Web3 technologies.
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