BlockX2: Mentoring Young Girls onto Blockchain

$121.37 crowdfunded from 68 people

$456.21 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An 18-week virtual educational program for young Black women to learn about blockchain technology, explore career paths, and develop entrepreneurial skills, seeking $200,000 for curriculum, mentorship, and scholarships.

Our goal with the program is to create a diverse and dynamic community of young women (high school to college), by taking them on an 18-week journey of discovery and growth, incorporating three phases: understanding blockchain fundamentals, gaining insights into Ethereum protocol, and exploration into five potential career paths in blockchain.

The program, which will be virtual, is designed to be a journey of discovery and growth, incorporating three phases: understanding blockchain fundamentals, gaining insights into stakeholder domains, and specialization in a chosen area.

Innovation is the backbone of the program, and it is infused into every aspect of the program, driving changes and progress on multiple levels:

-Diversifying the Blockchain Industry: By encouraging and equipping more Black women to enter the blockchain sector, the program will inject a fresh wave of ideas, approaches, and viewpoints into the industry.

-Skills Development: The program will foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills, enabling participants to lead the way in developing new blockchain applications and strategies.

-Entrepreneurial Spirit: The program nurtures participants' ability to create innovative startups that can disrupt traditional models and contribute to the growth and transformation of various sectors.

-Promoting Regulatory Innovation: The program will inspire innovative legal and regulatory solutions that keep up with the pace of technological advancements.

-Collaboration and Mentorship: The program emphasizes the power of networking and mentorship, providing participants with opportunities to learn from and collaborate with industry leaders.

Our goal is to raise $200,000 and educate 100 Black female college students at HBCUs. The programs will increase representation of Black women in the blockchain industry.

The funds will be used to:

1.Develop a comprehensive curriculum for the training program ($50,000) 2.Establish and run a mentorship program ($40,000) 3.Conduct workshops and seminars ($60,000) 4.Provide scholarships for participants who need financial assistance ($30,000) 5.Support program administration and operational costs ($20,000)

By supporting the program you're not just helping young women adapt to the blockchain industry as it is now, but you're equipping them to shape the future of the industry.


Our last round GG18 raised awareness. We didn't hit our goal but we were able to put our initiative in many people's minds.

GG19 Goal This time around we hope to break at least $1000 in donations.

For those who donate to our round, we encourage you to reach out to us as we are able to provide you with tax benefits for your donation as a nonprofit organization.

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