$184.34 crowdfunded from 19 people
$1,382.83 received from matching pools
A curated group of Ethereum builders creating products, prototypes, and tutorials to enrich the web3 ecosystem.
❤️ We are an Ethereum public good.
Our stack of choice is Scaffold-Eth2, created by the BuidlGuidl. SE2 uses next.js, Wagmi, RainbowKit, and Typescript to allow for quick prototyping and a clean interface.
We used scaffold-eth to create speedrunethereum.com, a free on-boarding curriculum to bring new builders into the Ethereum ecosystem. You will go through a series of challenges that start by teaching basic knowledge like how to get your stack setup and deploy a contract, then continue on with in depth solidity concepts. Ask for help from real BuidlGuidl members and other builders on the same challenges in our Telegram channels. When complete you will have created Dapps that are powerful and important in the ecosystem.
After completing the first few challenges you can choose to join the BuidlGuidl! We will reach out to find your interests and help guide you to new projects, or let you build your own idea. Build some cool things or help out the BuildGuidl in some way and you may get some small Eth scholarships. Keep building things to enrich the ecosystem and we will set you up a stream! A monthly amount of Eth that you can pull out as you complete projects.
speedrunethereum.com buidlguidl.com
Current stats: 710 Builders 79 active ETH streams to builders 353.83 ETH streamed
Buidl Guidl History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 19 people contributed $184 to the project, and $1,383 of match funding was provided.