$336.61 crowdfunded from 283 people
$8,378.02 received from matching pools
Contribute to Arbitrum's strategic priorities, monitoring and assessing the value of the Short-Term Incentive Program (STIP) through setting up Data Monitoring and Reporting. The STIP will yield a large amount of data that should be used to inform future programs of how to most effectively create incentives for projects on Arbitrum. This is a first step in collecting that information and assessing what methods are the most effective incetive structures to driving value for Arbitrum.
Work Done to Date:
- Creation of scope and subsequent RFP for teams to apply through discussions with the STIP Data working group and collaboration with @tnorm and @epowell101
- Forum moderation and discussion with teams to determine application offer completeness
- Assessment of 7 project applications and final decision making with other Plurality Labs contributors.
- Review of successful team preliminary deliverables (on-going)
Impact to DAO / community
- 7 proposals submitted by teams in response to the RFP
- Successful onboarding of Data Monitoring and Reporting SP (OpenBlock Labs)
- Full impact is reliant on ongoing deliverables by the SP and how this data is interrogated. The real value is ahead of the DAO and there is work yet to be done!
Deliverables to date:
RFP - https://forum.arbitrum.foundation/t/rfp-abitrum-short-term-incentive-program-stip-data-monitoring-and-reporting/18456
Assessment matrix - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/104RhXQQbL3N8tTpziBZ4JsNz3Gj6P7wPilHlDJYW7Xs/edit#gid=0
Burns - STIP Data Monitoring History
accepted into Arbitrum Citizens Retrofunding Round 1 1 year ago. 283 people contributed $337 to the project, and $8,378 of match funding was provided.