cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems

$253.73 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
cadCAD, a Python package for complex system simulation, is seeking donations to fund a bounty program for community growth, education, and tool use in crypto economic design.

WHAT IS CADCAD? cadCAD is an open-source Python package that assists in the processes of designing, testing and validating complex systems through simulation. It is maintained primarily by volunteer efforts by contributors and its creator, Block.Science, an engineering, R&D, and analytics firm specializing in complex systems and operations research.

The incredibly important modeling and simulation tool is being applied in economic, social and environmental impact R&D, as well as ensuring the safety of new digital public infrastructures including crypto economic systems. (see below article list)

ABOUT THIS GRANT Thanks to your contributions, the cadCAD ecosystem is evolving and expanding — both cadCAD’s core tech and the open source community around it are leveling up! 🤖 However, to bring on a few more much needed roles and continue to grow our model library, we need your continuing support 🙏

Work is steadily progressing on the cadCAD 1.0 reference implementation, that includes a new programming methodology and better organization of code that makes it easier to use and more efficient for systems designers and analyzers.

On the community side, cadCAD is undergoing registration as a non-profit and preparing bounty programs to seed growth in model testing and development, education and operations.

Your contribution will fund Gitcoin bounties targeted at helping onboard & educate people in the use of cadCAD, to grow the use of this key tool in crypto economic design.

WHAT WE'VE DONE SO FAR cadCAD's core development has predominantly been funded by BlockScience, and thanks to funding and support from the Token Engineering Commons and Academy, our community has also provided valuable contributions to the ecosystem, helping us improve documentation and educational and supporting materials. We want to take this to the next level by developing a bounty program to accelerate the creation of resources that can help onboard people from different backgrounds to cadCAD, such as:

-Implement a read the docs-like style documentation website -Expand the Robot and Marbles tutorial series to cover the full extent of cadCAD's core feature set -Build reference system models that explore the full potential of cadCAD -Build open source models of general purpose crypto-primitives -Explore diagramming options that can help visualize a cadCAD model or plan its implementation

HOW YOUR DONATIONS WILL SUPPORT CADCAD Donations will go to the cadCAD multisig managed by the volunteer team. The funding will be used to hire primary support roles including a project manager and community management position to design and initialize a bounty program. The BlockScience team and existing cadCAD user community will provide support for new community members engaging through the bounty program, and documentation and direction for this next phase of growth.

Check out the following articles to discover some of the high impact projects where cadCAD is being applied:

If you want to learn more about how and why cadCAD was created, take a look at these posts:

We appreciate your donations and support and welcome you to join our community:






~cadCAD Team & Volunteer Contributors

Chris Catoya Emanuel Lima Joshua Jodesty Michael Zargham Jeff Emmett Jessica Zartler

cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems History

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