$254.05 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Enhance cadEVM, a Python lib for EVM-based token engineering, focusing on user-friendliness, scenario testing, open-source accessibility, and reduced external dependencies.

Token Engineering with cadEVM

Project Overview:

We are seeking support to further develop and enhance cadEVM, a Python library designed for streamlined development of radCAD models on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). By integrating with the Ape framework and radCAD, cadEVM simplifies the token engineering process, making it accessible for both experienced developers and newcomers in the blockchain space.

Key Features and Goals:

  1. Ease of Use for Token Engineers - Prioritizing a user-friendly experience to simplify the development process for EVM projects.

  2. Scenario Testing and Simulation - Facilitating mechanism and scenario testing of smart contracts through seamless integration with radCAD and EVM.

  3. Open-Source EVM Framework - Creating an open-source EVM framework to empower token engineers, particularly those familiar with cadCAD/radCAD.

Proposed Enhancements:

  • Developing additional modules for enhanced configurability in initialization and usage.

  • Creating specialized modules to address agent-based properties, allowing easy creation of different agent types.

  • Implementing modules to track transaction fees, specific points of interest, and other critical parameters.

  • Reducing dependency on external frameworks and libraries to ensure adaptability to evolving technologies.

  • Making technical aspects such as deploying contracts more intuitive and user-friendly.

Expected Impact:

Supporting cadEVM will contribute to advancing token engineering practices, making them more accessible and efficient.

Thank you for your support.

cadEVM History

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