$503.94 crowdfunded from 214 people
$3,692.85 received from matching pools
Coffee Impact Collective is an ecosystem for the regeneration and decentralization of coffee supply chains.
Why is this important?
Coffee is grown on nearly 10m ha in tropical regions worldwide, in the most biodiverse places in the world. Since the 1960s many farmers were forced to switch to full-sun monoculture production. It’s predicted, that by 2050 we will lose 50% of land suitable that is suitable for coffee cultivation.
Regenerative agriculture is key to building resilient & high-yielding coffee systems. However, the methodology to transition existing coffee smallholder farms to thriving agroforestry systems doesn’t exist, as well there is no scalable and affordable way to monitor, report and verify the activities in the field.
Famers are trapped in the highly centralized economy that forces them to optimize for volume. not for quality and doesn’t account for the environmental consequences of crop production. Thus, regeneration will only thrive in a decentralized market, where coffee is traded along with its environmental impact.
How are we building the ecosystem?
- Methodology
- dMRV tools
- Decentralized marketplace
- Quality control & traceability
- Additional services
What have we done during Gitcoin Alpha Round:
- Scientific research
- Consultations with scientists
- Draft of the methodology proposal
What do we plan for the Gitcoin Beta Round?
- Completion of the methodology proposal
- Preparation for the field implementation
Partners & Collaborators:
- Agrivero.ai
- Savimbo
- EthicHub
- Eco Labs
- dMeter
- ReSci Network
- Silvi
Coffee Impact Collective History
accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 112 people contributed $273 to the project, and $1,632 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 90 people contributed $161 to the project, and $1,024 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 12 people contributed $69 to the project, and $1,037 of match funding was provided.