CryptoConexión: A Community of Communities Fostering Connection and Growth in Latin American Web3 Education

$179.48 crowdfunded from 114 people

$1,716.60 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Web3 educational platform fostering connection and growth in Latin American blockchain and AI, offering multilingual resources, promoting Latino builders, and striving for gender inclusivity in the tech space.

CryptoConexión: A Community of Communities Fostering Connection and Growth in Latin American Web3 Education

Our YouTube Channel has 243 subscribers:

Our reach: We work with more than 40 communities in the U.S. and LatAm across channels. Our newsletter has 355 subscribers.

The workshops will be promoted across our platforms - in addition to the videos we will write at least 2 tutorials to provide the written content.

  • The workshops topics are1) ETH through the NEAR Blockchain Operating System - using the Meta Pool component as an example. 2) Integrations of liquid staking tokens in DeFi, ReFi and common good projects, using mpETH as an example.

In addition, we will promote the content and grant at two key events in September:

  • Support BIT Day at TEC de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca on September 12, 2023 at TEC de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca, Morelos. The full-day will help more than 200 students learn more about blockchain and innovation.
  • Participate in Hola Metaverso's FUTURISTA 2023 event in Medellin Colombia September 13-14 at Universidad de Medellin, Colombia.

Our Background: Launched in October 2021, CryptoConexión is not just a platform, but a community of communities. As a trusted companion to the thriving blockchain, crypto, Web3 and AI space in Latin America, we're united by a collective ambition to empower, educate, and innovate. Our collaboration with other educational projects in the region reflects our deep commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable Web3 ecosystem.

Our mission is rooted in the principles of the public goods and has three core priorities:

  1. Providing Multilingual Resources: Offering over 100 free tutorials in Spanish, enriched by a growing portfolio in Portuguese, we're opening doors to knowledge across languages. We are also leveraging AI and created our very own ChatGPT named “Connie” the Web3 expert, she only uses content from our site to answer questions.

  2. Celebrating Latino Builders and Communities: By amplifying and connecting Latino builders, communities, and projects, we're nurturing innovation and leadership within the region.

  3. Promoting Gender Inclusivity: Our dedicated effort to close the gender gap has led to an impressive 46% female participation between January and July of this year.

CryptoConexión's resources include more than 100 tutorials in Spanish, a grants directory with 250+ listings, and a course directory with 200+ courses. By working hand-in-hand with other educational projects, we spend many hours guiding, mentoring, and supporting growth. We're more than a platform; we're a community-driven catalyst for change.

We are about information, inspiration and collaboration. Through educational content and compelling narratives, we champion the technological advancement of the region, ensuring everyone's active participation. Join us in our mission to inspire, empower, and connect. Your support will enable us to continue to strive as a resource for all, as we leave a lasting, positive impact on the Latin American technological landscape.

CryptoConexión: A Community of Communities Fostering Connection and Growth in Latin American Web3 Education History

  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 54 people contributed $79 to the project, and $1,307 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 60 people contributed $101 to the project, and $409 of match funding was provided.

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