Dream DAO

$66.56 crowdfunded from 22 people

$611.96 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Dream DAO invests in Gen Z's web3 and social impact training, funding, and mentorship, fostering a global community through learning sessions, internships, in-person events, and by enabling youth-led initiatives.

About Us

Dream DAO is a DAO that invests in the future of the web3 x social impact ecosystem by providing diverse Gen Zers around the globe with the training, funding, mentorship, and opportunities they need to leverage the power of web3 to build a brighter future for humanity.

The DAO is composed of Builders (15-20-year-olds) and Champions (established leaders representing a range of industries who seed Dream DAO). Builders and Champions work together every day to make the DAO better. The Dream DAO has biweekly ‘Learning Together’ sessions, funds builders to attend (and even host) IRL events, and provides opportunities to intern at impact-oriented web3 organizations.

How will we achieve a future of web3-powered social impact?

We are helping build the web3 x social impact ecosystem by investing in three complementary areas of focus:

  1. EMPOWERING LEARNING COMMUNITIES: The Dream DAO cultivates an empowering, intergenerational, global community and offers a range of learning + mentorship opportunities that help young people gain confidence and experience at the intersection of web3 x social impact. The core “product” of the learning community is the “Learning Together” series, which is hosted twice a week and features a community member or guest hosting a lecture on a web3 concept and spreading the word on the Solarpunk future we envision will come with web3 x social impact. Past guest hosts have included Gitcoin founder Kevin Owocki, Ethereum Foundation Executive Director Aya Miyaguchi, renown web3 educator Samina, co-founder of Constitution DAO Graham Novak and many more web3 luminaries.

  2. WEB3 X SOCIAL IMPACT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: A two-month internship program called the Dream DAO Explorers Program—for 15-20 year olds seeking to be and build the future of web3 x social impact. Dream DAO has placed over 15 Builders in social impact web3 organizations including Celo’s Climate Collective, AERA Force, Protein and dOrg.

  3. IRL REGEN WEB3 GATHERINGS: We convene diverse, inspiring, regen-minded thinkers and builders in a way that forges relationships and collaborations across the “regen web3” movement (and builds excitement for the idea of hiring more regen Gen Zers). In-person convenings fill attendees with inspiration which is why Dream DAO pays for some of our community members to travel to, co-organize, and operate these events.

Our Impact so far?

Since Dream DAO was launched in December 2021, we have:

  1. Hosted 70 learning together sessions, bringing leaders from different spaces across web3 to give a talk about a topic of their choice that fits Dream DAO's mission of leveraging the web3 x social impact space.
  2. Funded 20+ builders to attend NFT NYC, Web3Conf Goa, ETHMexico, Devcon VI, with our community winning 3 awards in the ETHMexico hackathon.
  3. Partnered with Organizations like Celo’s Climate Collective, AERA Force, Protein and dOrg to host over 15 Dream DAO builders to intern in their organizations, giving them their first working experience and an additional stipend to leverage their studies and lives.
  4. Launched a 2-month mentorship program, matching a dozen Builders with Champions for direct mentorship and guidance.
  5. Launched and hosted the first DreamDAO Bootcamp; an intensive month of Web3 learnings for 43 young leaders that applied to join the DAO. We taught our new builders the foundations of blockchain technology, web3, and their social impact potential, while also onboarding them as contributors to the DAO.

The Future?

By 2030, Dream DAO will have directly supported hundreds of Gen Z builders to impact their local communities and the world, trained them to start social impact DAOs and orgs that focus on public goods, and inspired over a thousand more Gen Zers outside of the DAO to explore and work in the web3 x social impact space.

Crucially, Gitcoin funding is vital for supporting the DAO operations that will allow Dream DAO to continue to work towards its mission to onboard thousands of GenZ leaders into the web3 social impact space over the coming years.

Dream DAO History

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