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Digital currency $Earth aims to fund $5 trillion in climate solutions, backing ecosystem services and advancing solarpunk values by incentivizing eco-positive investments and creating a sustainable economy.

What is $Earth ?

It is a digital currency backed purely by climate solutions, ecosystem services and solarpunk values.

Our goal is to -

  1. Mobilize over $ 5 Trillion/yr for the next 30 yrs to provide primary finance to projects in clean energy, regenerative agriculture, clean transport , ecosystem conservation and solarpunk sanctuaries that will build the necessary infrastructure for a net zero world.

  2. Appropriately value natural ecosystems and their services while creating a monetary system that is backed by climate/ecology positive projects.

  3. Seed the Solarpunk paradigm

$Earth has been designed to make this happen by -

  1. Incentivizing users to purge their petro $$$ to mint $Earth directly at the protocol and use those $$$ to fund projects in renewables, permaculture, Ev charging stations, electric buses/trains , ecosystem conservation/regeneration, agroforestry, energy storage, eco-villages etc

  2. Inherently ascribing value to ecosystem services created by the projects we fund, by selling $Earth at a premium to the $ value of projects in the neoliberal world. $Earth acts as a unit of account for the $ value of the projects in our treasury + potential yields these projects will generate and the positive externalities created by these projects ( healthy soil, carbon sequestration, clean air, biodiversity etc)

  3. Creating utility for $Earth by creating a network of regenerative/solarpunk merchants who are willing to provide their goods and services in exchange of $Earth.

For our pilot round, $Earth treasury will be funding the following projects -

  1. Syntropic Coconut farm in Dominican Republic from Kokonnut Network

  2. 69 kWp Solar Energy in Mexico from Helios

  3. Coffee production in Brazil from EthicHub

  4. Eco village in Lisbon from Traditional Dream Factory

You can get more information on these projects here - https://solarpunkdao.earth/projects

$EARTH History

People donating to $EARTH, also donated to

Digital currency $Earth is live on Polygon Mainnet, backing climate solutions with goals to fund clean energy, sustainable agriculture, clean transport, and ecosystem conservation globally.
Developing a transparent, fair Ethereum-based lottery protocol using cryptographic shuffling tech with customizable parameters to innovate public goods fundraising and improve trust and collaboration in communities.
Promoting Gitcoin through experimental funding programs, onboarding NGOs, promotional activities, bug reporting, designing future solutions, community building, and converting users to support public goods.
Initiated and led two main Gitcoin projects: Solarpunk Guild—coordinated a community radio and assisted founders within the ecosystem, and Impact Academy—provided one-on-one educational calls to over 20 impact project builders.
Contributed as a core team member to a 24/7 online event for fundraising grantees, facilitating community engagement, coordination, and education about the Gitcoin ecosystem, resulting in over 17K listeners and 94K reactions.