
$1,485.20 crowdfunded from 192 people

$2,046.77 received from matching pools

average score over 10 application evaluations
EcoSynthesisX merges technology with ecology to promote sustainable living and environmental public goods, initiating projects for air quality education and eco-friendly microeconomics.


Fostering Eco & Tech integrations, EcoSynthesisX propels the global community towards sustainable and regenerative living. By cultivating environmental public goods, we accelerate the ecological and economic benefits of embracing green initiatives.

Our Mission

Protect the environment by educating and raising awareness on the Air Quality topic, particularly by empowering NGOs and communities and creating local microeconomics. As well as experimenting with public good funding mechanics


§ EcoSynthesisX is a part of Global Dollar consortium to make positive impact in poverty issues §

Glo Dollar Announcement

§ EcoSynthesisX QF Rounds to support ReFi & DeSci founders/builders. As well as to boost local on ground nonprofits and NGOs §

Currently we are running EcoSynthesisX Spring Round on 7 chains. You can find the main chains down below:

Optimism Base zkSync Polygon Arbitrum Scroll Avalanche

Check them out and join us in making a difference!

§ Impact NFT Collections for NGOs and Eco Communities §

* 1st Impact NFT collection with Clean Phangan community (ETA the end of March)

Mint page preview

Common, Rare, Legendary XYZ Clean Phangan Collection

* Mockup

Lizard Guard 1

§ Air Quality AI Assistant for the General Public §

* Beta version Web App (in development)

Beta 0.2

* Alpha version Telegram (stopped)

Alpha 1

* Mockup

AQ AI Asisstant

§ Microeconomics App for Environmental Impact Makers §

* Front-End Alpha

Front-End Alpha

* Mockups

Microeconomics App

Team Members:

  • Paul Burg -> Founder, environmental scientist & blockchain enthusiast
  • Anastasia -> Artist, Impact NFT Collection [In Development]
  • Phil -> Dev, Impact NFT Collection [In Development]
  • Mark -> web designer, mint page & websites

[Contribute Now] (

EcoSynthesisX History

People donating to EcoSynthesisX , also donated to

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