$1,104.05 crowdfunded from 598 people
$408.95 received from matching pools
Glo Dollar is stablecoin that funds public goods and charities.
Glo Dollar is a fiat-backed stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar. Like other stablecoins, Glo Dollar earns revenue from the Treasuries held in its reserve. Unlike other stablecoins, Glo Dollar’s sponsoring organization, the Glo Foundation, gives away all income it earns from the coin to charity. We are in the midst of upgrading our protocol to allow holders to choose which charities to donate to. You can learn more about our planned upgrade here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1McyJxe6FBmIOF51oh6NHJ8Ey0HhcYuZlrIO0AVdDCNw/edit
Glo Dollar is issued by brale.xyz and is now available on Uniswap on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon and Celo. Glo Dollar is an open source project, with smart contract code on GitLab and source code for its dApp on GitHub.
Glo Dollar History
accepted into GreenPill x Octant Community Round 1 year ago.
accepted into 🌐♻️ EcoSynthesisX Spring Round on Optimism 1 year ago.
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 598 people contributed $1,051 to the project, and $409 of match funding was provided.
applied to the Greenpill Q2 2023 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state