Grant Ships
average score over 2 application evaluations
Evolutionary game where subDAOs compete to effectively allocate capital within the Arbitrum ecosystem, aiming to optimize grant distribution strategies and identify key players.

Grant Ships is an 'evolutionary grants game' where Grant Ships (grant-giving subDAOs) compete to best deploy capital in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

The goal is to continually improve how we allocate capital by learning which Ship models are most effective, who the talented actors are, and which allocations resonate with Arbitrum voters.

Grant Ships History

People donating to Grant Ships, also donated to

Funding for a research group focusing on developing DAO contracts with a new accounting method, Oxcart, to improve DAO governance automation.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.
A platform offering content on crypto from a leftist perspective, addressing socioeconomic impacts and suggesting progressive directions for the blockchain ecosystem.
Developing web3 tools for communities focusing on public goods, enhancing coordination, impact measurement, and simplifying regen space onboarding. Proceeds will fund development work, software services, and infrastructure hosting.