GreenPill India Chapter

$105.58 crowdfunded from 77 people

$512.41 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Indian ReFi chapter dedicated to merging regenerative digital infrastructure with grassroots public goods, leveraging web3 and local engagement for social and environmental solutions.

We are the GreenPill India Chapter of the GreenPill Network. We are committed to bringing a convergence of the regenerative digital infrastructure with grassroots public goods efforts in India. With a population of 1.4 billion, India holds a massive opportunity to unlock the gains from combining coordination mechanisms to drive local outcomes for global problems.


Who are we

We are an assembly of ReFi founders, designers, engineers, writers, and web3 enthusiasts who were busy in our rabbit holes until most of us met each other at various points since early 2022 when the book GreenPilled launched the meme of regenerative crypto-economics into the world. While each of us has been striving in our primary role to revive public goods in our projects, in our individual and collective capacity, we have been championing the need to fund, design, develop, and market a future rooted in regeneration.

Our path so far

🧪ReFi India Summit, December 2022 Screenshot-2023-11-08-at-9-54-20-PM.png 🧪GreenPilled book sponsorship, February 2022 🧪An article highlighting the relevance of GreenPill for India, March 2022 🧪GreenPill Festival Highlights (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4), March 22 - 26, 2023 Screenshot-2023-11-08-at-9-54-58-PM.png Screenshot-2023-11-08-at-9-56-00-PM.png 🧪SPN workshop at BCC, May 2023 🧪TREP Solarpunk Nomads Workshop, June 2023 🧪The turn - India, June 2023

🧪Hosted the first core members meet at Bangalore in July 2023; discussed the roadmap and immersion event for the next year 🧪Identified a venue to host all future GreenPill India workshops in Bangalore, India. 🧪Building a digital garden (Gulshan) to communicate GreenPill concepts behind regenerative cryptoeconomics to an audience new to web3 in the form of bi-monthly articles: 1️⃣Sep 1st: Gulshan - A Digital Garden

2️⃣Sep 15th: The Potential of Programmable Money for Public Goods

3️⃣Sep 29th: The 50-Year-Old Legacy of India's Tree Huggers

4️⃣Oct 16th: Harnessing Nature’s Wisdom for Mechanism Design

5️⃣Nov 2nd: The Role of Inquiry for a Regenerative Future

Long-term: What’s ahead of us?

Long-term goal: In our environment, we see that the current political landscape, welfare structures, financial systems, and philanthropic initiatives have not been able to overcome the failures in coordination for challenges across climate, healthcare, social security, education, and other public goods. From our collective experience running ReFi projects on the ground, we have first-hand evidence that the local people on the spot have the strongest incentive to get the solution right. Our mission is to facilitate the convergence of the regenerative digital infrastructure with grassroots efforts in India to drive local outcomes for global problems in coordination. We will do this through highly curated in-person experiences to introduce and apply regenerative concepts to fund and thrive public goods in India.

Near-Term: Our roadmap

Our Roadmap to get there: 🧪Recurring - Expand outreach and grow the community 1️⃣Digital: Continue online outreach with the bi-weekly publication of Gulshan 2️⃣Physical: Quarterly in-person educational event at the Bangalore Sanctuary 🧪Partnerships - Conduct a ReFi workshop as an ecosystem partner for \mani-fest/ event at Zo Bangalore in December 2023 🧪GreenPill Festival 2024 - Conduct the 2nd GreenPill Festival as a 5-day in-person hackathon in Gokarna in March 2024, with workshops, training, and experiential learning to see ReFi at work in Kumta Sacred Sanctuary 🧪GreenPill events at Bangalore Sanctuary (Mid 2024) 🧪GreenPill workshop at Bangalore Sanctuary (Mid 2024) 🧪GreenPill Immersion event (Late 2024) 🧪GreenPill Mumbai (Depends on the grant budget - Late 2024)

GreenPill India Chapter History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 77 people contributed $106 to the project, and $512 of match funding was provided.

People donating to GreenPill India Chapter, also donated to

Developing a transparent, fair Ethereum-based lottery protocol using cryptographic shuffling tech with customizable parameters to innovate public goods fundraising and improve trust and collaboration in communities.
A platform offering content on crypto from a leftist perspective, addressing socioeconomic impacts and suggesting progressive directions for the blockchain ecosystem.
Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.
Implementing a sustainable public goods funding ecosystem through community-building, innovative funding mechanisms, integration of current platforms, and support for builders in various sectors.
Engage the Koh Phangan community in regenerative finance and sustainability through events, NFTs for environmental initiatives, cleanups, and educational outreach, while planning a recycling project, Re:Plast, to convert plastic waste into valuable products.