Hortas conectadas - SAF do Futuro
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Desenvolvemos um sistema agroflorestal na zona rural de São Paulo, estendendo-se a praças e escolas. Usamos parcerias para garantir rastreabilidade e apoio à produção agroecológica, promovendo a web3Regen.

the Project



This is a long-term project and in this adventure our goal is concentrated in the carbon grounding in a small fragment of Mata Atlantica where a family cagroecologic production is already there, in this way we will dedicate ourselves to the implementation of an Agroforestry System in the rural area of the city of Sao Paulo, in the Adalgisa and Manoel Site, located in the neighborhood of Parelheiros.








For this, in addition to AgroforestDAO, especially the SAF do Morro da Redencao, belonging to the same biome, we will count on the support of the seed bank of the School of Agroecology of Parelheiros that can also guarantee the traceability and quality of its seeds and seedlings.

The planting in the current site of the Adalgiza and Manoel Site, as well as in the school is varied, being cultivated many PANCS such as edible flowers, fish, pour, different potatoes... Small rocks with corn, feijao, cassava, almonds, cabaca; as well as are cultivated gardens, with cabbs, aboboras, tomatoes, peppers to aromatic and medicinal herbs such as mints, lemon trees, grasses, penicillin, I trust, in both genetic matrices are cultivated many fruit species, quite bananas, different sJabuticabas... soon, by aptidao climatic we will maintain this pattern of planting, but in the SAF of the Future we want to highlight the character of this native forest privileging the Cambuci planting, a characteristic fruit in the region and important for the local culture, where even annually promotes a great gastronomic event bringing together producers from different places of the state, the Cambuci Route. A curiosity is that this peculiar fruit, which looks like a spaceship, is precisely developed under ideal conditions in forest undergroves, exactly as is the fragment that we will intervene.


principle our planning follows to plant these species in line in order to facilitate daily management and work with light machinery. We will use the resources that are available, but our interest is at a time amis to aggregate the solutions necessary to facilitate management, improve data analysis methods, understand the impact of the experience and benefit the microclimate and ecosystem in the present and in the future.

To generate more impact in the carbon sequestration process, we want to collaborate and plan the succession of cambuci planting to other species such as Jussara, Ingá, Ipe, Pitanga, Guapuruvu, among others, both to cover the soil, such as alaslyasm, until generating soil cover rich in nitrogen, such as guandu.

After a local mapping of other urban gardens, pracas, schools, associations and agro-gosgage in the region, we would also like to connect and extend the proposal for other spaces that can offer security in the maintenance of gardens or fragments in reprocessing reforestation where food will be cultivated.

Let's do the onchain record of these experiences in audio, video and textual. With this collective material, collections of NFT's will be created to give visibility and make available means to other people, in different places of the globe, who also wish to regenate the planet of human impacts, even from afar, can actively participate and support these glocal initiatives. It is very important to say that this whole path aims to be immersive and educational for people who throughout the journey will make contact with this initiative, so that they can increasingly take an interest and appropriate concepts and tools of the web3 and its layers, especially the emerging Regen.


What happened and is still here


This story begins in 2019 with a Cultural Action project called Ateliê Vivo initiated by Thiago Thalles (AgothA), during his training in the Youth Cultural Monitor Program, this program of the Secretariat of Culture of Sao Paulo aims to train artists and cultural producers to act with Public Policies in their own territories, the project, which was carried out in an oyxic space of the external area of a library had as objective the environmental sensitisation in the territory and began with theof stories and reading mediation, conversation circles, until from these cultural activities, there was formed a cohesive local group and willing to perform cleanings in pracas and implement a community garden in an ocioco space in the outer area of the library of baiiro. We start performing feirs of seed exchanges and seedlings, prepared the soil and received children from the surrounding schools that came to plant their feijoes.





A Synergy of Forms


The second era of the Atelier Vivo was held in 2021 at the School of Agroecology of Parelheiros, this time as part of the internship plan of the course of Degree in Arts / Theater of the Institute of Arts of the UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista), at the beginning we began reproducing the same structure with cultural actions, involving oral and narrative games, in addition to sensitizing and feeling the body in the space.to be one of our main activities of Environmental Education, the Ecco Cine Clube, as the school itself, although recently inaugurated already had a substantial work and team for the management of the pedagogical garden, we took advantage of this large classroom to energize the Group of Studies and Practices of Permaculture, in which in addition to the planning and technical discussion about the demands of the school itself and the park where it is installed, we carry out manual and artistic work, with thewe have done since clay dolls, multirao paint with geoink, exhibitors of photographs, Christmas ornaments and other toys, were 21 months of much diverse and learning.



This was also the period that we started playing the stigmergic game Pega Visao Camps and we started to produce more materials on the web about traditional stories, cybernetics, and current affairs in general.



Finally we arrive at the third and current phase of Atelie Vivo, which since 2023 has been traversing spaces of education and culture promoting the Ecco Cine Club and more recentmete ministering fanzine confeccasine workshops for publicists of all ages. In these workshops, we go through a process of sensitization, we reflect on our relationship with the medium and use simple materials to express our points of view.




From the material created we can advance for digital art production and creation of NFTs that represent regenerative stocks in the real world.

Media Arthivism


"in-gation" in-gives, conveying information about socio-environmental issues and giving visibility to movements, events and actions in favor of the environment through our social media, also so we document our path and this journey of incubating the future to connect productive space.

Hortas conectadas - SAF do Futuro History

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