Impact Reporting Interoperability
average score over 1 application evaluations
Aligning impact reporting tools and frameworks among civic actors and cosmo-local networks to enhance coherence, collaboration, and economic support through facilitated discussions, publications, and incentivizing non-Web3 impact reporting.

The goal of this proposal is to facilitate coherence and interoperability among civic actors, cosmo-local networks, and other agents by aligning impact reporting tools and frameworks.

Why This Process is Needed

Today on Ethereum there are many tools for impact reporting, ranging from minimal to complex. For example, Karma GAP's simple fields for milestone reporting, Bloom Network's image rich reporting for general public accessibility and knowledge sharing, and detailed MRV tools for formal eco credits using specific scientific methodologies and monitoring tech.

There is also overlap between communities, networks, projects and platforms, causing in some cases duplicate reporting burden to civic activists. As networks of cosmo-local nodes begin to collaborate more closely, more legibility and access to each others' impact reports will support knowledge sharing and collaboration capacity.

Lastly, it is to the benefit of civic activists to be eligible for rewards through multiple ecosystems and retroactive funding programs. For maximizing our surface area of economic support, aligning with each other on impact reporting will allow funder dashboards to be made and increase the operational capacity of civic knowledge keepers and mobilizers.

What the Funds Will Be Used For

Based on total amount of funding received:

$1k: Facilitated discussions with project and network leaders and tool creators to align on reporting coherence. Funds will go to the facilitators and any participants whose project isn't able to fund their time in attending. We will discuss:

  • Legible data collection frameworks for consistent fields and taxonomy.

  • What projects and networks are already using what reporting tools?

  • Is it useful to combine tools through automated publishing? For example, an actor using detailed reporting enters their impacts in the most complex portal they need, and that gets pushed to higher levels of abstraction tools.

  • Potential for extensible and modifiable impact validation sets for specific impact areas civic activists are working in. This could facilitate capacity-building among actors as well as enhance interoperability of reporting.

$3k: Additionally, an article will be published with the outcomes and findings of these discussions, such as a summary of tools, who is using them, and methods for sharing reporting across action networks. 

$6k: The remaining $3k would go toward incentivizing non Web3 natives to report their impact in civic organizing, so we can stress test this on the wisdom keepers that Web3 needs to be in stronger relationship and mutualism with. 


Leaders from OpenCivics, ReFi DAO, Web3 impact reporting tools, Climate Coordination Network, Bloom Network, MetaGov, and a representative set of on-the-ground actors.

Potential Outcomes

This work will enable increased coherence and knowledge sharing among civic organizers, by making the following possible:

  • Funder dashboards for direct donations to projects, where a contributor can look for the projects in the impact vertical they want to catalyze, project stage, geographic location, etc.

  • More shared visibility and collaboration among initiatives working in similar areas

  • Automation of attaching detailed impact reports to simpler tools like Karma GAP.

  • A quarterly online convening of folks running RPGF runding rounds focused on IRL impact

  • Ability for algorithmic governance. If our detailed impact data is mutually intelligible, we can run machine learning to match experts, assist diversity in leadership, and analyze impact results for hot spots, gaps, and coordination. This could be used by local government actors, bioregional coordinators, and more.

Impact Reporting Interoperability History

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