$11.91 crowdfunded from 5 people
$44.89 received from matching pools
libpwrm is an embeddable library, CLI app and daemon for realtime, decentralized measuring and reporting on CPU and GPU hardware electricity consumption by blockchain nodes without requiring specialized hardware power meters. libpwrm provides software-based continuous monitoring of different hardware power consumption interfaces and automatic reporting of the measurement data and estimated CO2 Emissions to the CO2.Storage data network.
libpwrm can read power consumption data from different hardware power meters including laptop power supply meters. It can also read CPU power consumption data from Intel's Running Average Power Limit – RAPL interface which uses power metering builtin to Intel CPUs, and NVIDIA GPU power consumption data using the builtin GPU power meters and the NVML interface.
libpwrm runs continuously and publishes the power consumption and emissions data it collects for each system it runs on as assets on CO2.Storage. Each asset can be signed by the operator which authenticates the entity creating it and contains information that the blockchain node operator provides like a unique miner ID and geographic information together with up-to-date information on the current electricity consumption of their hardware. This allows individual blockchain node operators like Filecoin storage providers to automate reporting their electrical consumption data estimates in real-time without requiring installation of external power metering hardware or complex software or making changes to their existing processes.
libpwrm History
accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 5 people contributed $12 to the project, and $45 of match funding was provided.