$27.72 crowdfunded from 14 people

$20.21 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Develop a self-sustaining lunar settlement by 2030, involving a community-driven effort with a strong focus on open collaboration and contributions from a robust Chinese community.

MoonDAO's mission is to create a self-sustaining, self-governing settlement on the Moon by 2030.

MoonDAO is the first DAO to Launched person into space, and did a lot of efforts to launch a CN citizen.

We are doing our work in an open manner, and on the round we are looking for people who share our vision

We have a very strong Cn communty in the MoonDAO.

MoonDAO is the huge fan of DeSci and sponsored DeSci round last time, and our members were actively engaged in the round.

MoonDAO History

People donating to MoonDAO, also donated to

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Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》