Mycelia - Retornando à Mãe Terra
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Mycelia merges Indigenous knowledge with Web3 to create Decentralised Indigenous Organisations (DIOs), aiding climate crisis solutions through ancestral wisdom, technology, and cross-cultural collaborations.

We live a time of uncertainty, where the climate issue is a global problem in a fragmented game of coordination. So how can we transform this complex situation into a web of solutions? This is the essence of the work behind Mycelia : the pre-emergence of cross-cultural solutions connecting Indigenous Communities and Web3 technologies.

Mycelia is weaving the human bioma.


  • Mycelia is developing the concept of DIOs - Decentralised Indigenous Organisations - where ancestral knowledge meets web3 technologies.

  • Indigenous Peoples are in the front line to address the climate crisis; and to this end, Mycelia researches solutions to improve their coordination and self-determination.

  • Mycelia recently joined two Indigenous Organisations, the CIM, Comitê Indígena Mineiro, and Abya Yala, to develop together the concept of DIOs.

  • Mycelia explores the climate crisis through the lens of colonization and patriarchy in order to get to the root of the problem and have the best impact possible.

Summarized of GG19 goals :

GG19 was focused on Indigenous Women in LATAM to better understand the context of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil. This study has clearly revealed the complexity of the climate crisis, as it is deeply interconnected with colonization and patriarchy of the dominant culture.

Here are the main take away from the study "***Retornando a Mãe Terra"* :****

  • Indigenous Women are fundamental to the fight against the climate crisis, as they are the custodians of ancestral knowledge that preserve life on Earth, which they consider sacred. The sanctity of life is an essential aspect for its protection.

  • The concept of "body-territory" is central to understanding the holistic and decolonial approach of Indigenous Women. It expresses an inseparable link between the bodies of Indigenous Women and the land in which they exist, their traditional territories. Protecting natural habitats means protecting their way of life, their culture, their very identity.

  • Indigenous cosmovision sees nature not as a resource to be exploited, but as a living entity to be respected. They are on the front line in defending their territories against deforestation, extractivism and destructive large-scale projects.

  • As pillars of their communities, Indigenous Women are transmitting core values and ecological awareness to the new generations. Education being a key component to address the climate crisis.

  • The culture is a rampart against assimilation and a tool for emancipation. Faced with attempts at forced assimilation, keeping alive their languages, ceremonies, arts and modes of social organization is an act of resistance for indigenous women. Valuing and transmitting this distinct cultural identity strengthens their power to act and their self-determination.

  • Revaluing and listening to the voices of Indigenous Women means reconnecting with an ancestral wisdom that is essential to our relationship with nature and building a viable future for humankind. Their resistance is one of the last bastions against the destruction of life on Earth.

The conclusion of this study is that the climate crisis cannot be overcome without decolonizing our solutions and recognizing the central role of Indigenous Women in preserving life on Earth.

Also, since GG19, Mycelia :

  • Increased self-determination for Avelin by eliminating her need for a translator. She is now able to express in English.

  • Support for Indigenous Women in emergency situations. Creating also more trust for Indigenous Peoples with QF as a viable source of funding. This makes it easier to explain the positive impact of web3.

  • Joined Comitê Indígena Mineiro, and Abya Yala, two Indigenous Organisations leaded by Indigenous Women and gathering 18 different ethnic groups from LATAM.

Challenged faced since GG19

A breach of trust occurred between Mycelia and another team member. This situation taught us a lot about the need to set clear boundaries when the viability of the project is at stake. It was far from the most challenging moment to overcome. But we went ahead and learned a lot from this experience.

Message of Avelin for Gitcoin GG20 :

Youtube link :

After GG20

It has been almost a year since our first round with Gitcoin, and today we have a better understanding on the role of Indigenous Peoples and the socio-political tensions around them.

We firmly believe that if we don't include Indigenous Peoples in our solutions for climate, whether in the field of regulations, technology or finance, we are simply doomed to repeat the same mistakes, buying time before hitting new obstacles. This is the reason why after one year of Gitcoin Round, and a lot of learning, Mycelia will focus more and more on DIOs, and how this can be applied to Indigenous Organisations.

More on DIOs here : Mycelia Substack

Also we want to take the time to dive in the MycoFi revolution as we believe there is a lot to unfold in relation to Decentralised Indigenous Organisations.

Mycelium inspiration, to foster web3 Indigenous Organisations, what could possibly go wrong? 😄

Use of Funds

  • Sustain Mycelia team to keep researching on DIOs and other ideas to support Indigenous Organisations;

  • Buying informatic equipment and recording materials in order to have a better quality to register voices;

  • Learning English for Avelin;

  • Cover travel expenses related to our work;

  • Pool a part for Indigenous Women in emergency situations.

And for 2024 ?

  • More on DIOs : The idea for 2024 is to master the concept of DIOs in order to create a proof of concept with existing Indigenous Organisations.

  • AI-Tooling : Later this year, we also aim to increasingly provide access to AI tools for Indigenous Peoples. Back in 2023, Avelin learned how to use, and the experience was really positive. So Mycelia wants to expand this to a larger audience.

  • New source of Funding : Also in 2024 Mycelia will focus to find more ways of funding in order to sustain our activity for the long term.

Who is behind Mycelia?

Instagram : AvelinBuniaca Twitter : @AvelinBuniaca  Twitter : @DagdaQi

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