$3,995.14 crowdfunded from 179 people
$3,681.44 received from matching pools
Support our collective of UX researchers to create more open-source user research and foster collaboration across Web3. Your donation will help fund public UX studies and open learning resources, creating a valuable public good for the entire Web3 ecosystem.
Our Mission
OpenUX is a collective of experienced UX researchers empowering teams across the entire Web3 space to increase their impact. We equip builders with context, meaning, and insight by contributing expertise and promoting an ecosystem of open-source user research.
We aim to overcome the siloed use of UX best practices by building in the open and encouraging collaboration and sharing of insights. It’s in our mission that the work we do should serve as a public good for our space, and we do this through:
- Running bespoke studies and releasing them to the public
- Developing open-access tools, methods, and resources
- Curating open and accessible research
We are already actively publishing UX research as a public good to the web3 community
Our organization has deep expertise in web3 and user research. Collectively we’ve contributed to 30+ leading protocols, applications, and DAOs in the space, including MetaMask, Protocol Labs, Solana, NEAR, Stacks, Status, Liquity, Yearn, MakerDAO and many more.
Some of our public contributions include:
- A public research study, onboarding journey for NEAR Protocol.
- A longitudinal study on the unique needs of Filecoin DeFi users for the DeFi protocol Glif.
- A study conducted in partnership with MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative Group into the appropriateness of a CBDC to meet the needs of US Citizens.
- Metaverse early adopter user research study for Protocol Labs.
- DeFi user research report for ConsenSys.
- Ethereum 2.0 Staking ecosystem report for ConsenSys.
Why donate to this grant?
Grant funds will be used to fund the production and sharing of more public UX research & open learning resources. These funds will be held by the OpenUX multisig and allocated to organizational workstreams through voting from our members. Initiatives we’re committed to creating include:
1. Create an open research and insights repository Since OpenUX’s launch in January 2023, it has always been our intention to create an open UX insights repository that is public and available to all builders in the space. At OpenUX, we publish the research we conduct, and there are other fantastic researchers out there doing the same, but there’s no easy way to mine those insights to find learnings that are applicable to a specific use case or target user, and no single place to discover them.
We will build and launch an open UX research repository that solves this problem. It will give builders a jump-start, providing them with reliable findings that they can use for internal decision-making and better product strategy.
2. Publish self funded and community funded research studies Currently our main revenue source is from bespoke client work. But there are important research themes to explore that a single client wouldn't naturally fund. Donations to our organization allow us to self-fund ecosystem-wide research, and produce assets such as data-driven behavioral personas, 'State of UX' reports and more - which all feed into our open insights repository.
3. Develop open learning resources on discovery and validation methods As a group of expert UX researchers, we are well versed in all discovery and validation methods. We want this knowledge to be accessible to, and adopted by, the very talented people building in web3, and we aim to do this through workshops, webinars, open office hours, best practice guides and more. Check out our webinar on how to recruit research participants in web3 as an example of the types of content we wish to be producing more of.
Any and all donations are welcome! We deeply appreciate your support in making UX in web3 better for all.
For more information about OpenUX:
- Web: https://openux.xyz/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/openux_xyz
- Public research on Medium: https://medium.com/@openux
- Read about us on Mirror.xyz: https://mirror.xyz/openux.eth
OpenUX: Open Source Web3 UX-Insights History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 51 people contributed $67 to the project, and $173 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 128 people contributed $3,928 to the project, and $3,509 of match funding was provided.