Plants And Pillars

$280.58 crowdfunded from 141 people

$1,487.89 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
A DAO game where virtual tree planting in-game leads to real trees planted worldwide, incentivizing users while educating on environmental issues and enabling community-driven decision-making.


  • Plants and Pillars is a DAO that aims to encourage people to plant more trees and make Earth a better place to live in.
  • Zen Garden is a game that lets users own a virtual land where they can plant trees using tree NFTs. For each virtual tree planted, a real tree is planted in the physical world, creating a tangible impact on the environment.

Core Objectives and Future Plans for Plants And Pillars & Zen Garden -

🫂Collaboration: Zen Garden would be an open source game built on top of Phi and Treejer Protocol.

💵Award: We'll incentivise the planters of Zen Garden in order to keep the people engaged in this project which will eventually help mother Nature.

🔔Update: With the help of the PUSH protocol, planters are notified whenever they get anything credited/ debited.

📈Streaming Money: Send money over time to the planters with the integration with Superfluid.

📚Education: will make people aware of the current situation on Earth and educate them regarding the global issues of SAVE SOIL, GLOBAL WARMING, etc.

🌍Plants and Pillars DAO: This will help our community take all the essential decisions and help in the smooth functioning of the project.

🔗Connecting: Our aim is to connect and make people aware of the importance of trees to human mankind.

🎯GOAL: Our Ultimate Goal is to reduce and neutralise carbon emissions by planting more and more trees and educating people about our current environmental issues.


Current MVP

  • Zen Garden incorporates React Pixijs for facilitating the drag-and-drop functionality of Tree NFT owned by users.
  • QuickNode NFT API for the Tree NFT marketplace, allowing users to purchase NFT Trees.
  • The smart contracts of the project have been deployed on various platforms such as Polygon zkEVM, Celo, Scroll, Linea, and Mantle.
  • The authenticity of users' identities is verified through Worldcoin to prevent fraudulent activities and maintain the credibility of the dapp.
  • PUSH notifications are employed to remind users to plant, water, and monitor the growth status of their trees.
  • Huddle01 SDK facilitates communication between funders and planters to ensure smooth interaction and avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
  • Users can easily log in to Zen Garden using their Lens handle, thanks to the integration of Lens protocol for creating profiles of planters and funders.
  • where people can publish blogs regarding current environmental issues and can spread awareness among people.

2023 Q2

  • Zen Garden Game will be released for Alpha testers - people who’ve contributed to this project (either open source contribution or have donated to this project in Gitcoin GR15 or Alpha Round).
  • Collaboration with more open source protocols in the climate solutions space to scale the community and bring maximum impact.

2023 Q3

  • General availability of Zen Garden Game and we'll be using these Gitcoin grants to incentivise the devs for their contributions to improve this open source project.
  • Launch the Plants And Pillars DAO which will give equal rights to all the users to take decisions about the future plans of the project.
  • General availability of Plants And Pillars Mobile App for both iOS and Android.

What we did after GR15?

  • Made an MVP of the blog platform -
  • Onboarded 50+ writers from all around the world to write about climate solutions and several different topics to spread awareness among the people.
  • Started working on the Game mechanics and incentivisation techniques.

What we did after Gitcoin Alpha Round?

  • Started working on the game - Zen Garden
  • Started working on codebase of Zen Garden for their smooth integration with Phi and Treejer Protocol
  • Built an MVP for the game using React Pixi.js

Why Gitcoin Grants?

  • We want to make the web app game more accessible so that people can get a better way to contribute to the environment by getting incentivised.
  • We are looking for blockchain developers to develop the Web App.
  • We will be looking for mobile app developers to develop and ship Zen Garden iOS and Android apps.

Tech Stack For Now

  • Next.js as a frontend framework
  • TailwindCSS for design
  • React Pixi.js for the drag and drop game
  • Lens Protocol for user profiles
  • Polygon - All the game smart contracts are deployed
  • IPFS for file and metadata storage
  • PUSH Protocol for notifications
  • Huddle01 for video/voice chat between funders and planters

Game Web App -

Blog Platform -

Twitter -

Notion Page with the latest updates and screenshots - Zen Garden

Plants And Pillars History

  • accepted into Climate Round 11 months ago. 131 people contributed $170 to the project, and $1,093 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $110 to the project, and $395 of match funding was provided.

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