$287.84 crowdfunded from 83 people
$232.97 received from matching pools
Quest Chains is an open-source platform that allows users to create and complete quests, earning a soul-bound NFT upon completing a quest chain. The platform allows for the creation of custom 2D or 3D designs for the NFTs and has role-based permissions for quest chain creation and management. With its focus on user engagement and incentivisation, Quest Chains aims to solve the problem of DAO onboarding by offering a fun and rewarding way for new users to become familiar with the workings of DAOs.
Quest Chains also offers an SDK that has already been integrated into two apps (MetaGame & Quest Chains itself) and a protocol, allowing for seamless integration with existing blockchain applications. With this SDK, developers can easily create their own quest chains and NFTs to incentivise engagement within their communities. Overall, Quest Chains is a powerful tool for DAOs and other blockchain projects looking to increase user engagement and incentivise participation.
Quest Chains History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software Round 1 year ago. 83 people contributed $288 to the project, and $233 of match funding was provided.