
$162.11 crowdfunded from 75 people

$516.81 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Translator and advocate applying for a grant to expand Turkish translations of Gitcoin materials, onboard NGOs to web3, and implement Impact Onboarding to reward contributions to public goods.

I'm excited to put forth my application for the Gitcoin Citizens Round. I've been contributing to DAOs for a while now, and my enthusiasm for blockchain and web3 tech is as strong as ever.

Current Work:

I've been translating Gitcoin blogs and educational videos to make them more accessible to the Turkish-speaking community. My written translations go up under the name GreenPill on Mirror, and my video translations are published under BanklessDAO Turkish youtube channel.

Future Plans:

I'm actively engaged in onboarding local NGOs to the web3 ecosystem, guiding them through the integration of blockchain technologies like Optimism, Gitcoin, and Safe{Wallet} into their existing operations. Alongside this, I'm in the learning phase of implementing a concept known as Impact Onboarding. This innovative approach aims to financially empower individuals by rewarding them with crypto for contributing to public goods. My vision is to merge these two initiatives, enabling NGOs to not only adopt web3 technologies but also to leverage Impact Onboarding as a means to incentivize volunteers and support those in need.

Why I'm Applying for the Grant:

The grant would be a great help in a couple of ways:

  • More Content: It'll help me ramp up the volume of translations, reaching even more people.
  • Partnerships: The funding will allow me to collaborate with more NGOs, speeding up the onboarding process.

I'm stoked about the possibility of taking my work to the next level with this grant. Thanks for considering my application!

raybankless History

  • accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Round #2 1 year ago. 75 people contributed $162 to the project, and $517 of match funding was provided.

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