$417.86 crowdfunded from 60 people
$555.71 received from matching pools
HOLA👋🏼 BIENVENIDOS AMIGXS! 🌮 refimexico.op / refimexico.eth / refimexico.celo / refimexico.base
Growing & educating everyone throughout all of Mexico about Regenerative Finance & Web🕸️3
Our application is focused on specific initiatives aimed to foster the growth of Web3, and bring tanglible regenerative outcomes to the Mexico City. 🪅
As one of the largest metropolitan cities in the World, Mexico City confronts an array of challenges of monumental proportions. Yet, we possess both; the intellect and the motivation to achieve results.
- Mexico Population: 133,002,352 people source
- Average age 27.5 years old source
- 3.5% of the population owns cryptocurrencies, projected to grow to 12% in 5 years (source)
- Digital Payment volume in 2023 projected to be $90 billion. By 2027 it is projected to reach $157 billion, double digit grow source
- E-commerce market value $23 billion per year
- Mobile commerce market size $8 billion
- 2.2 million Digital Nomads in Mexico, 70% from USA. Mexico ranked 5th Digital Nomads destination nomadlist.com/mexico-city
- 80.8% of the population uses Internet Daily which 75% access with computer and 16% mobile (source)
- Mexico jumped in the crypto global rank from #47 to # 13 in countries owning crypto and will keep going
- 42% of Mexican companies are looking to adopt blockchain and cryptocurrencies in some form. source
- 51% of Internet users have used AI application
- Mexico City is 3 on the most popular cities for Digital Nomads
- Mexico City is top 3 on Wi-Fi for Digital Nomads source
- Mexico is number 8th on global engineering graduates (between Ukraine and France) Mexico Payments and E-commerce aims to grow at double digit pace Source: https://medium.com/@bancambios/web3-adoption-in-mexico-at-all-time-high-take-a-look-4095b675a2aa
To grow the radius of a "Regenerative-Green Urban Sprawl" from the central part of the city called La Roma, reaching other parts of the city.
To make our "green foot-print"resonates in the surroundings of the City. We advocate for the integration of Regenerative Finance, Decentralized Finance, and Decentralized Social Media.
- Inclusivity is paramount
- Result-oriented pursuits govern our endeavors
- To materialize the growth of the community
- Foster Rregenerate at all levels
- The Planet comes first (no personal issues are allowed to stop ouor mission)
OUR ONLINE PRESENCE: Learn more about us at:
- refidao.com/community/local-?recordId=recPKGiAo38ks4BH5
- https://twitter.com/refimexico < Twitter
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/refimexico < LinkedIn
- https://instagram.com/refimexico < Instagram
- We're thrilled to announce that we've been selected by Ethereum Mexico to host the official ReFi event during the official Ethereum Mexico event where Vitalik Buterin himself will be attending in Octobre 21, 2023.
ACTION PLAN After a meticulous Research & Development, we have curated realistic innitiatives to implement, and start the Regenerative Journey of others, and as well onboard new Users into Web3.
- A Guide to have a Regenerative Lifestyle:
- Use Biodegradable Cleaning Products
- Consume from your local farmers
- Comsume from sustainable food suppliers
- Comsume only what you trule need
- Vertical Home garden/farm to grow food
- Build a Neighhood Netwotk to Swap veggies & fruits
- Clasify the residuals
- Avoid proceseses Foods
- Adoption of #MeatlessMonday
- Accept only Eco-friendly Packaging
- Reduce Petrol-consumtion
- Avoid Clotherrs made of Polyster & other Petrol-base material
- Buy clothes from brands who hire vulnerable communities
- Endorsement of Brands Supporting Vulnerable Communities
- Reject products culminating in Animal Cruelty
- Use your Eco-Bicycle to more on short distances
- Measure your Carbon Footprint
- We will help the recollection of Plastic to do bricks or desks & chairs for Schools
- Open a ReFi Mexico Office or Hub
- Eco-friendly work-culture
- Become an evangelist
- We are working and communicating with projects collecting Organic Waste to produce BoiGas
- We are working and collaborating with projects collecting and shredding Plastic Waste and doin pyrolisis and bricks.
- Onboard farmers to Public Goos & Quadratic funding
- Set up a minimum of 10 new web2 and web3 communities to be onboarded into ReFi
- Empower and gather 10 new projects that were assisted with methodology development
- Onboard new rural communities integrated to our ecosystem
- Set 20 new wallet a minimum active wallets in our community
- Set up a minimum on 20 POAPs per month transactions within our community
- Set 6 Twitter spaces per month
- Set up 10 new introductions to Analog
- Upcoming, Stay Tuned through our Website
- Upcoming, Stay Tuned through our Website
- Guided by visionary leaders and fortified by contributors, ambassadors, and delegates.
- Michelle, a chemical engineer and environmental engineer by profession, founder and managing partner at Senergy Tech. Her background is at the intersection at energy, environment, and technology who has worked at top Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, Intel, and ExxonMobil.
- Oscar.zk, a co-founder of ReFi Starter, is the mastermind behind the Bancambios whitepaper of 2019. His vision heralds the replacement of toxic industrial business models with regenerative models, safeguarding nature and invoking regenerative business using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).
- Gerardo Alvarez, a psychologist and social entrepreneur, is a co-founder of MotusDAO, his synergy with the Solar Punk community speaks volumes.
- Mayeli
- Estefania
- Dorian
- Valentin
- Horacio
- Davide
- In the last months we have been connecting and networking with several organizations including:
- Asociacion de Agricultores Organicos
- Huerto Roma Verde
- Patagonia Mexico
- Coherentia
- Accion Climatica
- Angulo Ambiental
- Eco-Smart
- PetGas
- Casa Ronin
- EcoHub 3.8
- WUC (Web3 University Commmunity)
- Huerto Tlatelolco
- Instituto Mexicano de la Susteinabilidad
- Secretaria de Medio Ambiente
- Ayurveda Urbana
- We would love to have the support to build Web3 DApps, including a Regen-NFT Minter that resonates with the Regenerative Community we proudly nurture.
- Regenerative Decentralized Marketplace with Eco-Friendly prodcuts aiming to reduce centralized dependancy.
- Mayan Spirits
- CAP (on-chain impact accreditation)
- Healing Corals (Coral reforestation)
- Unite Earth (DeSoc)
- Amigos x El Planeta (social environmental initiatives)
- Motus DAO (decentralized healthcare)
- Eco Labmx (permaculture, organic agronomy, & clean energy)
- TLATOA (culture and art collaborations)
- Pluviam (water technology)
- SEIF (sustainable dao tooling)
- Vision Science Labs (medical privacy & health)
- Vital Temple (tokenized super food)
- Biogas production projects (sustainable energy)
- EcoBox (Recycle Management and trackability)
- Ecopina (Sports)
- FLOWY (Social Interactive App)
- Angulo Ambiental (non-profit helping the elder ones)
- Eco Roof (hardware climate technology)
- SEEDS (DeSci)
- Earthquake (ReSoc)
- Proyecto Mentesq (regenerative healing experiences)
- Innertechnologys (ReSci - mental health & human development)
- Dohka - Art for the Environment (minting collections)
- Neblin - (carbon credit project)
- Bancambios (Pay or trade & suppor the Planet)
Foster the use of impact DAOs within the Community to empower DAO tooling blockchain development.
- Ethereum Mexico
- Nouns
- Anti-SAT Web3 Community
- NFT community of Mexico City
- Polkadot Mexico
- Near Protocol Mexico,
- StarkNet Mexico
- Colledge (CELO)
- Algorand Mexico
- GEAR (Vara Neetowkr)
- Avalanche Mexico
- Avocado Blockchain
- Solana Mexico
- Solar Punks
- GreenPill Mexico
- Humberto from Urnanika
- Ludin from Perennis Network
- Mayeli
- Cotabe from Giveth
- Estefania Ferrera from TulumCoin
- Sandra & Piero - Huerto Roma Verde -Cyrus - Blockchain developer
- Anna P - Impact Plus
- SOX - GreenPill Community & Impact-GameFi Entrepreneur
- RoseGlz - Artist
- Horacio - Amigos x Planeta
- Davide - Mayan Spirits
- Ricardo - Web3 Developer
- Lesmo - Web3 Developer
ReFi Event with Mayan Spirits, Nouns Mexico, PetGas, and ReFi Starter.
Gerry at ReFi Mexico presentation
ReFi Mexico event in Puebla by MotusDAO
Oscar giving a talk about ReFi on Web3 to students from 74 different technical universities in Mexico.
Dorian from Angulo Ambiental talking about how Education should be.
Gerry at Huerto Roma Verda talking about ReFi & Web3
instagram.com/coherentia.ig Talking about how to reduce Personal Carbon Footprint
We are planing to onboard this Organic Farmers into Web3
Somo of the Local Associations also have interesting contests on Sustainability
Plastic Waste transformed into Solid Plastic for long-term use like bricks.
Mayan Spirits & ArtBlocks Collab - announcement at ReFi Event with Nouns
ReFi Mexico Local Node ✨🌱 History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 60 people contributed $125 to the project, and $556 of match funding was provided.
accepted into ReFi DAO Local Node 1 year ago.