Regeneratie Coöperatie

$10.53 crowdfunded from 4 people

$15.76 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Grassroots cooperative in the Netherlands, focusing on regenerative societal transformation through networking, storytelling, hosting actions/events, and supporting others in ecological and community restoration.

The Regeneration Coöperative (RC) is a grassroots foundation made and run by activists, scientists, artists and entrepeneurs rooted in the Netherlands. Our aim is to contribute to the transformation towards a regenerative society.

Regeneration is the process of healing and restoring ecological, social, economic and spiritual relationships and systems, within the ecosystems and communities of which we are part.

The RC tries to achieve its goal by:

  • telling the story of regeneration by connecting people through networking, movement building and inspiring activities
  • organizing regenerative action through place based projects and events
  • inciting and/or supporting regenerative actions and events of other individuals, collectives and organizations

Regeneratie Coöperatie History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $11 to the project, and $16 of match funding was provided.

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