
$129.07 crowdfunded from 56 people

$133.60 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Focused on regenerative living and digital innovation, I've led community engagement initiatives and advocacy, with a new focus on data analysis for fraud detection and environmental tax mechanisms.

In my journey as a steward at the nexus of regeneration 🌱 and digital innovation 📡, I've engaged deeply with transformative initiatives like Kula and Dream DAO. I've not only been hands-on in architecting platforms and nurturing community engagement but have also been an earnest advocate for practices that underscore regenerative living. My involvement in education and advocacy is evident through my stewardship at Gitcoin Radio🎙️ and my relentless efforts in regen education and environmental advocacy. Each role I’ve embraced, whether visible or behind-the-scenes, has been aimed at forging pathways that make sustainable living and robust community-building not just aspirational, but attainable.

Moving forward, my interests are progressively leaning towards data analysis, stemming from my academic pursuit in Environmental Data Science. I'm gearing up to actively contribute to fraud detection and Quadratic Funding sentiment analysis work streams, while also exploring the intricacies of implementing Pigouvian tax mechanisms. These endeavours align seamlessly with my commitment to enhancing user experiences and ensuring dynamic engagement within our blossoming ecosystem. Each step I take is with the hope and effort to weave a tapestry of change, where data meets purpose, and technology becomes an ally of sustainable and regenerative living.

Retroactive Work 🔄

With a retrospective lens focused on active support and value amplification, I have engaged in:

Over the course of the Beta and GG18 rounds, I've been deeply immersed in stewarding the Gitcoin Radio 📻, dedicating substantial time and energy to foster insightful discussions and providing a space for individuals to promote their grants and the round overall. This platform not only initiated and transitioned engaging dialogues but also served as a crucial spotlight for grant exposure, helping participants gain visibility and support for their innovative projects and initiatives.

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During the 12-day Beta round, I committed four hours daily, totaling 48 hours of engaged, thoughtful discourse initiation and transition. The GG18 round saw an increase in my involvement, with a daily commitment of five hours over 12 days, summing up to 60 hours. Cumulatively, I've dedicated 108 hours across both rounds, playing a crucial role in not only leading but also shaping conversations that are pivotal for the community and the broader ecosystem. This extensive time investment reflects my deep commitment to and passion for nurturing a dynamic, inclusive, and insightful space where ideas and collaboration flourish.

Furthermore I offered hands-on support to Gitcoin participants, assisting those who struggled to check their Passport scores back in the Beta round with the scorer API. Through the use of tools like Gas Hawk in the Beta round and aiding transition to Optimism and PGN during GG18, I played a role in alleviating participants' barriers to donate. My creation of accessible instructional videos and provision of one-on-one support ensured a streamlined, user-friendly experience across both the Passport and Builder platforms, enhancing the participatory experience for everyone involved.

Proposed Work 🚀

With a vision anchored in proactive engagement and value creation, I am planning to:

Explore Pigouvian Tax Mechanisms💸: I’ll explore and work on the effective implementation of Pigouvian tax mechanisms, studying their potential implications and benefits for the Gitcoin ecosystem. This exploration will be aligned with my continuous efforts to bridge the gap between technology, data, and purposeful initiatives for sustainable living and regeneration.

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Strengthen Anti-Fraud Measures🔒: I’ll invest my time in developing and refining robust anti-fraud mechanisms, contributing to the creation of a more secure and trustworthy Gitcoin environment. This involves working closely with existing work streams to analyze, identify, and mitigate potential risks and fraudulent activities that could undermine the integrity and effectiveness of the funding processes.

Deep Dive into QF Sentiment Analysis💬: Building on my background in Environmental Data Science, I plan to contribute significantly to sentiment analysis within the Quadratic Funding domain. This will include scrutinizing, interpreting, and providing insights on user sentiments, which will be instrumental in understanding and improving the community's experience and engagement with Gitcoin's various initiatives.

Engage in Continuous Learning & Contribution🌐: As Gitcoin evolves, so does the need for continuous learning and contribution. I’ll be actively participating in various discussions, forums, and brainstorming sessions, providing my insights and learning from others in the community. The goal here is to stay abreast of the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities within the Gitcoin ecosystem, positioning myself as an active contributor and learner.

As an individual contributing to Gitcoin’s ecosystem, my work has been focused on enhancing community engagement, promoting Gitcoin’s vision and rounds, and fostering an environment of learning and collaboration through initiatives like the Solarpunk Guild's Gitcoin Radio and further collaborations with individuals part of Dream DAO. My commitment is towards not only continuing this work but also expanding its scope and impact in the service of Gitcoin’s community and objectives of funding what matters!

shaanpatel.eth History

  • accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Round #2 11 months ago. 56 people contributed $129 to the project, and $134 of match funding was provided.

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