The Stack Report

$13.30 crowdfunded from 27 people

$15.50 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A tech publication focused on analyzing the adoption of decentralized, community-owned internet systems using data tools, interactive visualizations, and independent reporting.

The Stack Report is a publication covering the evolving tech stack for the public internet. Specifically investigating adoption of decentralised and community-owned systems.

The Stack Report serves creators, developers, investors and early adopters of experimental web technologies through data tools, research and analysis. Providing independent data-driven reporting and educational content to learn from and keep track of technology usage and adoption in practice.

The starting principle for The Stack Report is to investigate the reality behind the narrative, by looking at publicly & legally accessible data streams from actual deployed technologies and networks that make up the stack.

We have a data aggregation tool-chain that compiles datasets from publicly available sources. These datasets feed interactive visualisations and dashboards for exploration by the research team as well as the broader community. We then search for and capture the stories found in data, distill these into articles, enriched with further analysis and embedded interactive charts.

Some of the articles published up to now:

Full overview of articles

A further layer of context and meaning-making can come from the community through the tools that make up the Interpretation Layer. First launch-feature of the Interpretation Layer is Chart Notes. Giving community members the ability to annotate charts to mark specific moments, outliers or trend changes.

You can find the publication itself over at Starting point for the Stack Report in 2022 was the Tezos network. Unique because of it's on-chain governance mechanism to evolve its own protocol over time and powering grass-roots de-centralised art publishing platforms such as the community-driven Teia (fork of HicEtNunc), generative art platform (fx)hash and NFT aggregator objkt .com.

This project is a production by design studio Dialectic Design with initial grant support by the Tezos Foundation.

The Stack Report History

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