
$182.10 crowdfunded from 60 people

$446.45 received from matching pools

average score over 5 application evaluations
Devansh participates in Gitcoin governance, votes on proposals, engages in community forums, tweets about web3 public goods, and joins various Gitcoin-related events.

Devansh is an active Gitcoin citizen , a hub for people to know what's happening in the ecosystem

He votes on snapshots proposals & posts frequently in the Gitcoin governance forum; tweets prolifically on the web3 public goods movement; and takes part in Gitcoin initiatives on Jokerace , Schelling Point and PGN

TheDevanshMehta History

People donating to TheDevanshMehta, also donated to

A blockchain-based image and video sharing platform with decentralized identity, storage, and encrypted comments, featuring a customizable feed and live video playback.
Digital currency $Earth is live on Polygon Mainnet, backing climate solutions with goals to fund clean energy, sustainable agriculture, clean transport, and ecosystem conservation globally.
Funding web3-enabled retroactive payments for investigative journalists as they achieve impactful outcomes such as resignations or policy changes, using hypercerts to represent and monetize their impact.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.