$122.36 crowdfunded from 53 people
$191.44 received from matching pools
Scaling evidence based social outcomes
Tokenized Impact Bonds (TIBs) disrupt social impact bonds—debt instruments where returns are tied to the achievement of desired social outcomes—by leveraging the transparency and efficiency of blockchain. Operating on EVM-compatible platforms, TIBs utilize hybrid oracles that combine smart contract-powered evidence mapping with community intervention, ensuring actions align with commitments.
Participants ranging from funders to non-profits receive badges attesting to their cumulative contributions. Non-profits deploy Campaign Contracts to articulate goals and milestones creating Certboxes ensuring fair & randomised distributioin. Purchasing Certboxes unlock Impact Certificates which can be monetized for regrants using harberger auction or deposited in the treasury to obtain DAO tokens, maximizing their extracted value within its utility ecosystem. Independent evaluators consistently monitor and validate non-profit achievements.
Use of Funds
- Resource guides for users including tutorials, how-to guides and FAQs.
- Formulating an impact multiplier based on givewells impact analysis of top charities.
- Gathering feedback from funders non-profits and evaluators to iterate mvp.
- All Community Contributions will go to our consensus staking fund which passively buys impact certificates from rewards.
🔘 Git Repo
Tokenized Impact Bonds(TIBs) History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 53 people contributed $122 to the project, and $191 of match funding was provided.