Tomo onboards cities and scientists on Gitcoin
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Tomo built key projects in Split, Croatia: a youth club, BlockSplit conference, tech community, and a dental market startup. He's pioneering municipal quadratic funding and contributes to Gitcoin DeSci.

Hi, I'm Tomo. Over the past 12 years, I've been busy building up projects, NGOs, and businesses in Split, Croatia. My biggest achievements? Starting the Youth Club Split and BlockSplit conference. I also helped get Split Tech City and Include off the ground. My latest endeavor is Zubar, aimed at fixing problems in the dental market.

In 2017, I discovered Ethereum and quickly saw its potential. This led me to start local blockchain meetups in Split, which eventually grew into the BlockSplit conference – now the region's most significant web3 event. I'm passionate about tackling big challenges, especially when I can take the lead. I don't know where the future will take me, but I sure hope to significantly contribute to Ethereum.

From August 2023, I have been working on a new project - Municipal Quadratic Funding Initiative . Implementing quadratic funding in a city. In the first couple of months, my work was funded by Gitcoin trough Funding the Commons, but after that funding ran out, I continued working on the project voluntarily.

Besides MUQA, I have been a member of Gitcoin DeSci Community Round Operations team. In this role, I have been actively involved in all decision making and work.

Tomo onboards cities and scientists on Gitcoin History

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