
$170.48 crowdfunded from 229 people

$18.26 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Blockchain-based platform to track and verify promises made by individuals and organizations, incentivizing honesty through reputation and crypto-economic measures, launching MVP in September 2023.

A promise/trustworthiness tracker. People have short memories. Blockchain never forgets.

Will be available at in September. More info in the repository.

  • You submit a promise made by an entity (person/organization) of interest, providing proof of its validity. Others evaluate the submission and (hopefully for you) accept it.
  • Once the entity fulfills the promise (or not), you submit a settlement proposal for it outlining your verdict of their actions. The proposal is evaluated and, if accepted, the verdict affects the entity's trustworthiness reputation.
  • Cryptoeconomic incentives are used to keep everyone honest and willing to contribute to the platform.

main page

How do I intend to spend the money?

  • Hosting the MVP and later 1.0 infrastructure.
  • If unable to find a volunteer tester, would use the funds to hire one, since currently I'm doing everything myself, and it's becoming counterproductive.
  • Sponsoring user transactions using ERC-4337 Paymaster facilities. TruQuest utilizes Account Abstraction to simplify onboarding, and it makes sense to simplify it further by using "gasless" transactions.

Why am I building it?

The main reason for creating the platform is a personal one. Unfortunately, being originally from Russia, I'm very familiar with the perpetual cycle of "a politician makes a bunch of promises to win support for an election, but then keeps none of them, and later uses the propaganda machine to overwrite reality". The sad truth is – it works on many people who are either unable or unwilling to remember the facts.

promise list

Why I think it has potential

  • Nowadays there's more and more noise and deliberately deceptive narratives out there. It's important we keep track of what is actually important.
  • TruQuest is a true blockchain-native project and not just a Web3 alternative to an established Web2 platform. By blockchain-native I mean that it could only exist onchain, since in Web2 world, absent an effective incentive mechanism, it would quickly turn into another tool for spinning a fabricated narrative.


  • MVP live on OP Goerli/Base Goerli in September 2023. This is a closed pre-alpha stage. Main goals:
    • Decide on a particular token design and distribution strategy. Current implementation is suitable for testing purposes but not for production.
    • Use feedback to tune the reward/penalty algorithms.
    • Possibly make changes to the overall user–platform interaction flow. Might need to make certain actions more Web2-like in terms of UX.
  • Transitioning to open alpha is predicated on the state of ERC-4337 (aka Account Abstraction) infrastructure. TruQuest already uses AA but currently a lot of its "killer" features are not yet implemented by AA providers like Alchemy. For example, the only smart account type that Alchemy supports as of now is SimpleAccount, which doesn't offer features like social recovery, multi-sig, and others. It is expected that til the end of 2023 we will see many production-ready AA smart wallet implementations (e.g. Soul wallet, Safe wallet, etc.) with much richer functionality compared to SimpleAccount. AA providers also work on their Paymaster implementations to enable sponsored (aka "gasless") transactions, which we want to take advantage of, since it would drastically simplify user onboarding.
  • Open alpha on OP Goerli/Base Goerli (presumably at the end of 2023). Main goals:
    • Test sponsored transactions. Figure out per user limits and the like.
    • Test smart wallet social recovery flow.
    • Test infrastructure under (hopefully) heavier, more real world-like load.
    • Integrate with Ethereum Attestation Service.
    • Finalize smart contracts. Code audit.
    • Set up DAO (MVP doesn't have one). The purpose of DAO would be to allow users to vote to adjust certain things about the platform, like lottery and poll durations, importance multipliers, or more drastically – replacing the orchestrator (the entity that calls smart contracts to initialize and close lotteries and polls, reward and penalize users, etc.). Full extent of rights and responsibilities to be decided.
  • Open beta on OP Mainnet/Base Mainnet. Main goals:
    • Currently I'm thinking about killing two birds with one stone: ask users to fill the platform with historic data (since launching the platform empty would be underwhelming) and use the opportunity to do the initial token distribution based on users' contributions. For now it's just an idea. More complete plan is pending until the token design is decided upon.
  • 1.0 launch on OP Mainnet/Base Mainnet.

TruQuest History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 229 people contributed $170 to the project, and $18 of match funding was provided.

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