Trustful | Reputation Aggregator for Grants Program
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A Reputation Aggregator System to evaluate addresses using onchain data, enhancing fair resource allocation for grants. Focus areas include ZK implementation, Gitcoin Passport integration, and user profiles.

Trustful | Reputation Aggregator System.


The project is already underway, building RFP 1 for Cartographers Syndicate. The application of these grants will be used to build the rest of the project's roadmap, which involves:

  • Research around ZK implementation
  • Integration with Gitcoin Passport to match builders with grant programs
  • Integration of user profile features

The product

A Reputation Aggregator System designed to evaluate addresses (members, grants programs, DAOs, etc). By aggregating onchain data such as past grantees, community support, defined milestones, detailed grant scopes, and contributions to the ecosystem, we aim to match high-quality grants with future builders.

This will make resource allocation fairer and support data-driven decision-making for applicants – empowering builders and enabling them to obtain grants in a streamlined and efficient manner.

Current product phase

The project seeks sustainable development, powered by Blockful, a fully bootstrapped company committed to building Public Goods to enhance DAO governance. For this reason, we construct each part of the Trustful roadmap with various forms of funding/grants.

The first phase of Trustful is an MVP we built to advance badge issuance and integrate EAS for reputation attestation. We applied for a grant from the Zuzalu community, and the product is live and being used in ZuVillage Georgia. image

The second phase, which involves Scorer/Scores, is being advanced thanks to the Cartographers Syndicate RFP 1, where we aggregate reputation for grant programs. The project has a deadline of August 30, and we already have the badges and their evaluation criteria ready.

Labels By continuing to leverage sustainable funding methods and community collaboration, we aim to further enhance resource allocation through Trustful.

Project Vision:

The project is an experiment in the field of on-chain reputation and aims to address gaps still present in the ecosystem, such as Proof of Humanity, Verifiable Track Record of Past Contributions, and Valocracy.

“Hence, “Valocracy”: A novel and structured social, economic, and political framework that attempts to leverage blockchain technology in order to create new forms of organizations with the goal of empowering communities along with their individuals and their combined efforts.”

Addressed problems

1. Verifiable track record of past: Fair Resource Allocation and Role Assignment

1.1 Lack of a Verifiable Track Record: Many grants distributed have funded unfinished projects or projects where the project creator vanished. This misallocation of resources not only wastes funding but also undermines the trust and effectiveness of the grant system. Ensuring that grants are directed towards projects with a proven track record of completion and sustained engagement is crucial for fostering a productive ecosystem.

1.2 Arbitrariness in role selection decisions: Roles should be assigned to individuals with extensive knowledge and building experience in specific areas. Decisions should be based on verifiable reputation – contribution-based role assignment. This is also a factor in the selection of reviewers and enhances the support of these individuals leading the grants programs to the grantees.

2. Enhancing Grant Program Effectiveness Through Strategic Principles

2.1 Fair Resource Allocation: Ensure that resources are allocated based on the quality and potential impact of proposed projects, rather than solely on the amount requested or on who requested. This includes evaluating methodologies, the projected positive impact on relevant communities or sectors, and the long-term sustainability of the project.

2.2 Quality of Impactful Projects: Emphasize projects that demonstrate innovation, technical feasibility, and strong execution capabilities. Evaluation metrics should include detailed work plans, strategic partnerships, and clear, measurable outcomes.

2.3 Transparency and Accountability: Track if a Grant Program maintain a transparent and accountable selection process. This involves publicly disclosing evaluation criteria, engaging multiple stakeholders in decision-making, and implementing mechanisms for fund accountability.

2.4 Promotion of Innovation and Collaboration: Encourage proposals that foster innovation within the ecosystem and promote collaboration among diverse stakeholders. This can be facilitated through thematic challenges, mentoring programs, or networking opportunities for grant recipients.

3. Enhanced Applicant/Project Quality:

3.1 Implement strategies to attract and select high-quality applicants by enhancing the grants program's reputation: This approach boosts engagement and ensures decisions are guided by individuals recognized for their expertise within specific areas of the ecosystem. It also attracts projects aligned with the program's commitment to ecosystem growth.

Scope and Milestones

Research around ZK Implementation

Period: September 1 - September 22

  • Identify ZK key technologies and tools
  • Conduct initial experiments and small-scale implementations
  • Finalize experiments and gather all data
  • Implement findings and prepare the final report.

Integration with Gitcoin Passport to Match Builders with Grant Programs

Period: September 23 - October 11

  • Review Gitcoin Passport's documentation and define integration scope
  • Develop and test core integration features.
  • Conduct comprehensive testing and refine integration.
  • Deploy integration and prepare usage documentation

Integration of User Profile Features

Period: October 12 - November 4

  • Define requirements and design initial UI mockups
  • Implement core profile features and perform initial testing
  • Finalize and deploy profile features, prepare user documentation

Learn more about Blockful and its team by clicking here

Trustful | Reputation Aggregator for Grants Program History

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