Universal One x GreenPill Mexico: Restoring The Yucatec Mayan Jungle
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Universal One International Academy fosters global citizenship and environmental stewardship, embracing diversity, ancient Mayan culture, and sustainability through specialized classes and projects in Yucatán.

With a deep commitment to shaping global citizens who are aware, self-analytical, self-sufficient, and respectful towards all forms of life, Universal One International Academy comes into being. We fervently believe in the unity of our planet and in each individual's capacity to leave a positive impact on it.


Our approach revolves around the diversity of our students' skills, recognizing and validating the unique aptitudes each one possesses. We understand that brilliance manifests in various forms, and it is through cultivating self-worth and self-esteem that we nurture tomorrow's leaders, ready to tackle global challenges with empathy and determination.

At Universal One International Academy, we not only educate but also instill a profound love and respect for nature. Our botany, biology, and chemistry classes teach concepts while fostering understanding and protection of the rich biodiversity of the Yucatán region.

Moreover, we have established a nursery where we cultivate and study both edible and non-edible species, promoting conservation and responsible analysis. In our vegan and vegetarian cooking classes, students learn not only about healthy eating but also about the positive impact they can have on the environment.

Our responsibility to the planet and our community does not end here. We deeply value the preservation of the environment and the cultural richness of Yucatán, hence the Mayan culture occupies a central place in our curriculum. From language to traditions, our students explore and respect the region's ancestral heritage, with the support of native Mayan-speaking collaborators in our core operations.

At Universal One International Academy, we are committed to the holistic development of our students and the well-being of our world. Together, we work to create conscientious and empowered leaders who embrace diversity, promote sustainability, and contribute to the flourishing of our global community.


We are creating synergies with GreenPillMexico in terms of the adoption of capital allocation and practical use cases within our community and our stakeholders to support our operations. Greenpill network has an alliance with Silvi Protocol call OperationWebtree 🌱 we will create and adopt the technology of the protocol of Silvi in GreenPill México to activate on-chain tracking of biodiversity and create local impact in locations in terms of reforestation of endemic flora species in urban and municipalities of the Yucatec Mayan communities.

Universal One x GreenPill Mexico: Restoring The Yucatec Mayan Jungle History

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