Urbánika: Learn2Earn campaign
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Incentivized, gamified blockchain education project by Urbánika offering rewards for course completion, using a mobile school bus and The Citizens App to teach postCapitalism and system change.

"The Commons" Learn2Earn campaign


Urbánika has created several courses on postCapitalism and the blockchain with the help of David Bollier.


We've been working on a mobile school bus to reach the communities we think might benefit the most with this content, however, we also need to provide the materials for them to teach others. image

We propose to incentivize and gamify the learning process through the use of The Citizens App in the Arbitrum One network. Graduating from each course will entitle a reward in USD GLO.


Read further for more details.

Tell me about the courses

Our courses are currently located in Tally forms. Why? Because it's free, anyone without a wallet can go through it, and it has almost all the features we need.

Why are we looking into The Citizens App? Three main reasons:

  • SolarPunk composability. As part of the SPG, we are setting up a SolarPunk Stack that is building and integrating tools from other SolarPunks and allies that will make us all arrive to fairer futures.

  • Verifiable reputation. For every course level students complete there's an attestation. This is key for mission-driven organizations looking to hire or to connect with others. In our case, attestations provide certainty that the holders have a solid background and experience in systemic change. Our immersive courses provide a great set of knowledge, examples, and IRL challenges that require students to evidence their understanding and practical implementation within their personal and communal life.

  • Better than free. Currently our courses are free, but better than free means being paid for learning, i.e., Learn2Earn, and in the urgency we are facing today we need more people to know about commoning, peer governance, permaculture, solar-lunar-myco punk and other protopian narrative genres that can take us out of the metacrisis we are living in.

Why do we need a grant for doing this? The total funds we receive from this grant will be used in three ways:

I. 40% of the funds will be used to set up bounties in USD GLO to reward...

  • Learning Design students from the Masaryk University to improve the UX of our course. They have used our content in the past to complement one of their courses regarding commoning.
  • Spanish speaking translators to add correct subtitles to the 21 YouTube videos within the course.
  • Content creators for designing a learning capsule about crypto stablecoins emphasizing the innovativeness and importance of USD Glo, both in Spanish and in English.

II. 40% will be used to reward learners for completing the levels once uploaded to the Citizens App.

III. 20% Coordination and management of the grant and making sure all is delivered.

When can you expect deliverables?

We will post in the Arbitrum forum a report on the results of this grant, the total funds we are using for both the bounties and the Learn2Earn program, and the links to tangible deliverables.

You can expect the above in the following schedule:

  1. Report --> 1 Month after QF has arrived.
  2. Bounties --> 1-2 weeks after the forum post. This include an update linking the bounties to the forum post.
  3. Delivered bounties --> 1 - 2 months after bounties have been posted. Another update to the forum post.
  4. Citizens App --> Q3 2024. Another update to the forum post linking the course at the Citizens App.
  5. Final report --> Results from spending 100% of the funds including metrics such as number of students graduated, number of interactions with the announcement of the course, and the Glo Dollar learning capsule.

Urbánika: Learn2Earn campaign History

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