Wise Crowds DAO

$49.55 crowdfunded from 45 people

$187.32 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Empowering regenerative web 3 through "Liberating Structures," Wise Crowds DAO offers interactive collaboration games, training cohorts, and P2P support calls to enhance effective group coordination.

Wise Crowds DAO exists to empower the regenerative web 3 scene with inclusive and effective collaboration practices.


Meet Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures are a set of 33 interaction games that provide viable and easy-to-implement alternatives to presentations, status reports and unstructured conversations.

Through clever use of group configurations, "invitations" and artifacts, they distribute control over content and outcome to the whole group:

Comparison of Liberating Structures versus a presentation, status report, managed discussion, brainstorm or open discussion.

Liberating Structures are effective with both small and large groups, online and offline, at conferences, events, team meetings and community gatherings. Each structure is tailored to accomplish a specific purpose.

The "DNA" of a Liberating Structure consists of the following 10 principles:

Liberating Structures Principles

Could your group, event or network benefit from "building trust", "enabling innovation", "a clear purpose" or "failing forward"? If so, we wholeheartedly recommend that you select one of the Liberating Structures using the Selection Matchmaker, and try it out.

Let us know, we'll help you!

Meet Wise Crowds DAO

While Liberating Structures can be used in any context, and have been around since the 2000s, Wise Crowds DAO aims to proliferate them in web 3, thereby increasing capacity to make a dent in coordination failures.

Support Through Participation

Since 2021 Wise Crowds has introduced Liberating Structures at Liminal DAO, Token Engineering Commons, Gravity DAO, The DAOist, Schelling Point, ReFi DAO, Aragon DAO, the Crypto Commons Association, Metagame, Kernel, EF Devcon Bogota, Trusted Seed, re:build, DAO Brussels and Regens Unite.

Weekly Calls for P2P Support

Every Monday we host a call where coordinators can give and get help about Liberating Structures.

Register here once Jeremy is back from holiday 🌞

Watch the 40+ recordings of past sessions here.

Training Cohorts

Over the course of two cohorts, we have guided two dozen builders towards designing and hosting a workshop with Liberating Structures.

Register here for the cohort 3

What happened since last round?

Since May 2023, we accomplished the following:

  1. We hosted cohort 2 of the Liberating Structures Learning Journey, consisting of 5 workshops and an event hosted by the course participants. 15 people completed more than half of the trajectory and 10 people obtained practical experience during the recital, which sets them up to bring Liberating Structures to their communities.

Liberating Structures Learning Journey Cohort 2

  1. We hosted a handful of Wise Crowds Design Calls. Watch the most recent ones here.

  2. We facilitated at several in-person events, including: Regens Unite Brussels, Regen Hub at the Impact Blockchain Conference (ETHCC) and the Greenpill Paris meetup (ETHCC).

What will happen next?

We have the following on the docket for the near future:

  1. Moaaaaar Wise Crowds Design Calls. Register here.

  2. 6 Month Workshop Series for Advanced Practitioners. Register here.

  3. Liberating Structures Learning Journey Cohort 3. Register here.

On the longer term we aim to:

  1. Establish peer-support pods for practitioners, to encourage sustained usage of Liberating Structures.

  2. Build a proof-of-learning protocol to testify that someone has experienced, learned and applied certain Liberating Structures, which will make it easier to find facilitators for your crew, and make it more valuable to learn.

Why your donation matters

How can we remove financial barriers to facilitation training and sustain our efforts, simultaneously?

We haven't found the magic formula yet, but your donation enables more people to join our cohorts, even if they cannot contribute financially. That leads to more facilitators in the regen web 3 space, which leads to more enjoyable, inclusive and effective coordination 🌱

Additionally, every dollar that you donate acts like a "vote", signalling that Wise Crowds DAO makes important contributions to the ecosystem. This leads to a slice of the "matching pool", extra money on top of your direct donation, fueling our efforts.

Thank you for supporting us!

Wise Crowds DAO History

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