$200.08 crowdfunded from 136 people
$862.09 received from matching pools
Warning: We are not your average tea company, and we are very proud to say it.
Yaupon Tea Co. is a radically sustainable local tea company based in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, focused on providing to the world the many wonders of Yaupon Holly, North America's only native caffeinated plant.
We seek to educate the public about the many ecological, economic, and health benefits of its widespread use and re-adoption. This is done by creating the most natural, healthy, and sustainable products possible, and through regenerative practices, community involvement, and educational workshops.
Community Yaupon Supplier Program
Beyond selling yaupon tea, we are working to enable the creation, exchange, and retirement of blockchain verified carbon and eco credits, derived from the tangible ecological benefits of our community yaupon supplier program.
This ongoing community supplier program enables local land stewards (farmers, land managers, and landowners) here in the southeastern US to benefit both financially and ecologically from the sustainable harvesting and management of their yaupon holly, often considered a nuisance crop due to its excessive growth.
While this program already allows for our suppliers to benefit ecologically from the various positive ecosystem services provided through sustainable yaupon holly management (i.e increased water, soil, and air quality, as well as improved biodiversity and carbon sequestration potential), we aim for them to benefit economically as well through the sale of associated carbon and eco credits.
GIS Habitat Analysis Tool
This will be done with the help of our GIS Habitat Analysis tool, which enables us to better record the positive ecosystem benefits of sustainable yaupon growth and management, using a combination of GIS/remote sensing, drone, and ground-truth data.
This open-source, web-based, GIS Habitat Analysis tool will allow us to record, analyze, and provide the necessary verifiable data required for the creation and sale of associated carbon/eco credits derived from our community supplier program, with the help of RegenNetwork and their carbon and eco credit marketplace.
We are thus seeking funding to provide support for the continued development and deployment of our open-source GIS habitat Analysis Tool. This includes the purchase of specialized remote sensing drone hardware /software, along with ecological data collection equipment and staffing for continuous ground-truth data collection.
All the code for our GIS Habitat Analysis tool will be open-source via our Github, along with how we integrate with various web 3.0 infrastructure associated.
We believe this project can provide a necessary foundation and framework for other like-minded projects and organizations in the climate space seeking to reduce their carbon emissions and begin revaluing the many measurable benefits of healthy, naturally functioning ecological systems using open-source satellite and blockchain tech.
Current Progress
Thanks to the help of GG18, we now have an alpha version of our GIS Habitat Analysis Tool live on our website. Although, we are still looking for continued funding to add necessary additional functionality and upgrades in data collection/management processes.
Check out the alpha version of our GIS Habitat Analysis Tool here: https://yaupon.store/habitat-analysis-tool/
As well as our Github: https://github.com/YauponTeaCo/GIS-Habitat-Analysis-Tool
Yaupon Tea Co. - Creating Sustainable Rewards for Local Suppliers History
accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 64 people contributed $137 to the project, and $392 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 72 people contributed $64 to the project, and $470 of match funding was provided.