Ethereum Dispute Resolution Ecosystem Mapping Initiative
Researching and mapping Ethereum dispute resolution platforms to understand their mechanisms and effectiveness, aiming to enhance fairness and efficiency in the decentralized ecosystem. Led by specialists in governance and DAOs.
Created 10 months ago
A Constitutional Logic: Supporting Blockchain Projects to Navigate Constitutionalism
Exploring and developing governance principles for blockchain communities, this research project assesses when and how constitutionalization can enhance legitimacy and effectiveness in decentralized governance.
Created 10 months ago
Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index
Developing a scoring tool, the DAO Index, to evaluate and improve transparency and governance within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by standardizing assessment principles, creating a benchmark, and promoting shared understanding.
Created 10 months ago
Realms, a B Labs project
B Labs develops a Discord bot called Realms to enhance governance, decision-making, and productivity in Web3 communities, empowering them to manage sub-groups efficiently.
Created 10 months ago
Open Problems in DAOs
An interdisciplinary survey paper and community site of open problems, research questions, and chunkable research projects relevant to DAOs and other digitally-constituted organizations.
Created 10 months ago
Constitutions of Web3
Analyzing DAO constitutions, this research identifies common patterns, provides a governance template, and offers recommendations for better crafting and sharing such documents.
Created 10 months ago
Can Privacy Rights Be Upheld in the Digital Age Absent Encryption? - ZKPs as a Promising Path Forward
Develop a policy brief on encryption's role in protecting expression and association, focusing on zero-knowledge proofs for privacy-preserving regulatory compliance, with potential expansion beyond blockchain applications.
Created 10 months ago
DeSci Landscape Analysis
Analyzing governance and operations of decentralized science (DeSci) DAOs to map ecosystem, identify growth trends, and enhance cross-project collaboration for scientific community development.
Created 10 months ago
Web3 Deliberative Governance - Decision Legos
Publishing an article outlining a new framework for decentralized governance using insights from Web3 Citizens' Assembly pilots and case studies in Arbitrum and Uniswap governance to improve collective decision-making.
Created 10 months ago
Regen Rojava
Exploring Rojava's democratic confederalism to learn and potentially apply its decentralized governance model to web3 and network states. Aim to create cross-cultural connections and document the region's daily life through writings and videos.
Created 10 months ago
(BOOK PROJECT) Self-Infrastructuring: How Decentralised Technology Communities Organise & Govern
Writing a novel exploring "self-infrastructuring," how decentralized technologies enable collective self-organization, targeting Web3 practitioners, with funds aiding in creating accessible materials and seminars.
Created 10 months ago
Scoping and Feasibility Research For Decentralizing Governance in Scientific Publishing
Researching and developing a decentralized governance framework for "Frontier Registry," a blockchain-based scientific publishing protocol. Focus on ethical user agency and alternative governance to token-weighted voting.
Created 10 months ago
Web3 Citizen Guide
Inaugural Web3 guide analyzing the structure, governance, and contribution methods of 15 DAOs in 2023 to improve understanding and encourage informed community participation.
Created 10 months ago
Modpol: Turn social platforms into governable spaces
Development of a toolkit named Modpol for incorporating user-created governance in multiplayer games, specifically starting with Minetest, aiming to democratize online communities and empower diverse, modular political practices. Total budget: $17,500.
Created 10 months ago
Network-Based Pluralistic Communities - Exploring Sustainable Governance Models
Assessing and developing adaptable governance models for pluralistic, network-based communities, focusing on participatory decision-making and cultural inclusivity.
Created 10 months ago