Developing free, open-source Web3 analytics tools, ChainEye offers Layer 2 data analysis, wallet checks, bridge comparisons, CEX fee insights, a daily ETH faucet, gas tracking, RPC lists, and stablecoin research.
Created 1 year ago
Branche is committed to developing a privacy DID protocol that aims to create a decentralized data engine and establish a visual trust system.
Created 1 year ago
Created 1 year ago
Innovative pop-up city uniting developers for 1.5 months to work on public good projects, foster community growth, demystify blockchain, and create tailored local solutions.
Created 1 year ago
Creating a user-friendly ecosystem for gas payments with derivatives, insurance, and subscription services to stabilize gas prices and improve blockchain infrastructure.
Created 10 months ago
Strategic Finance ($StratFi)
A game where users acquire and utilize virtual land for financial opportunities, blending DeFi with strategic gameplay to innovate user experiences in finance.
Created 1 year ago
Zuzapp, backed by ECF and Zuzalu, is a community-owned platform promoting online and offline gatherings, coordination, and empowerment for existing and future communities.
Created 1 year ago
Educational initiative to simplify Layer2 technology learning through animations, community events, and comprehensive resources for beginners.
Created 1 year ago
WTF Academy
An open-source web3 university aiming to teach 100,000 devs with tutorials, quizzes, and certificates, backed by major grants, featuring 7,000+ members and over 200 contributors globally.
Created 10 months ago
Implementing a transparent and fair AI-powered reward program for open-source contributors on GitHub, transforming donations into investments to support and grow the open-source ecosystem.
Created 1 year ago
Creating a "layer2" platform, EIP Fun strives to enhance the Ethereum ecosystem by streamlining access to EIPs, fostering community engagement, and providing funding to encourage EIP-related development and communication.
Created 1 year ago
A decentralized platform for immutable learning and skill certification using Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized storage, empowering users with verifiable and trustworthy resumes.
Created 10 months ago
Develop a self-sustaining lunar settlement by 2030, involving a community-driven effort with a strong focus on open collaboration and contributions from a robust Chinese community.
Created 1 year ago
A community-driven social and NFT platform promoting and preserving women's stories on Web3, empowering them with narrative control and financial benefits.
Created 8 months ago
DeSci Asia
Promote DeSci in Asia with a goal to publish articles, foster community through meetups, and support education. Funds allocated for translations, events, and long-term development.
Created 6 months ago