Web3 community focused on bridging language gaps between Japanese and international crypto markets through education, content translation, and AMAs, with an NFT-based DAO and recent MASK grant.
Created 1 year ago
SpiritDAO Launch
SpiritDAO is a non-profit impact DAO aiming to onboard marginalized communities into web3 through values-oriented education and intimate onboarding, seeking a $20,000 grant for expansion and outreach.
Created 1 year ago
Web3 community in Latin America seeking funding to educate and promote blockchain adoption; offering educational programs, content amplification, and mentoring for Web3 enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.
Created 1 year ago
Lighthouse provides a secure, anonymous communication platform for decentralized communities, safeguarding against impersonation and enhancing user experience with authenticated, immutable messages.
Created 1 year ago
Send vulnerable children to school
Providing free quality education to vulnerable Nigerian children to break the cycle of poverty, including cryptocurrency education, and fostering long-term sustainable development.
Created 6 months ago
ImpactZone advances community-based learning and decentralization knowledge via educational platforms, podcasts, workshops, and partnerships, fostering global cooperation and shared governance.
Created 10 months ago
Empowering women and girls through education and digital skills access
A Nigerian initiative aiming to boost digital literacy among women and girls by providing technology, data access, and training, including computer and cryptocurrency education.
Created 10 months ago
Upe! Onboarding Local Communities in Latin America
Upe explores web3 adoption barriers in Costa Rica: incentivizing local community through education and engagement initiatives, hosting workshops, and issuing blockchain attestations for local involvement.
Created 1 year ago
Realizar talleres teórico-prácticos en varios departamentos de Perú para enseñar principios básicos de blockchain y su aplicación en negocios y desarrollo personal.
Created 1 year ago
Bankless Turkish
Promoting web3 and crypto adoption in Turkey through Turkish content creation, university partnerships, local events, ecosystem collaboration, and empowering NGOs with web3 technology integration. Seeking funding for expansion and community engagement.
Created 10 months ago
Digital Commons For Emerging Economies
Establish India's largest blockchain community's working group to develop Web3 adoption in emerging economies. It includes tailoring research, digital platforms, and innovative models to address regional-specific opportunities.
Created 1 year ago
Mafia Creativa
Educational organization promoting creativity, collaboration, and cryptocurrency through community-driven creative experiments and free web3 onboarding for artists and NGOs, aiming to foster an altruistic and inclusive society.
Created 1 year ago
Decentralized Web3 reputation system using Soulbound Tokens as badges for user achievements, enabling curated services and fair governance on blockchain-based platforms.
Created 10 months ago
Ethereum Guatemala
Fostering Ethereum adoption and education in Central America, offering workshops, technical support, financial inclusion initiatives, and engaging with regulators for a supportive blockchain ecosystem.
Created 1 year ago
Twist Studio Web3 & ReFi school
Twist Studio Creativo aims to educate 100 professionals in Web3 and build a 500-strong community focused on sustainability and blockchain technology in San Antonio de Los Altos, through memberships, meetings, bootcamps, and a hackathon with a total budget of $14,500.
Created 1 year ago