CollabTech Round and Thresholds Experiment

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 06 Aug 2024 22:00 to 20 Aug 2024 22:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 30000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$3000 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
20 Aug 2024 22:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
iPal Network
A decentralized data marketplace enabling entrepreneurs, creators, and researchers to monetize, advertise data, and create trustworthy databases using new tools and smart contracts.
GreenDAO is a non-profit, DAO-governed marketplace promoting sustainable tourism by financing green energy systems, helping members achieve energy independence through a token-based economic model.
Open to the Public
Creating an open protocol to track and verify contributions across projects, even after they end, using blockchain attestations for a transparent and self-owned collaboration graph.
Giveth supports real-world impact projects in web3 by offering free fundraising tools and access to diverse donor ecosystems. Achievements include multi-chain integration, quadratic funding rounds, and decentralized attestation services.
[] - Yohaku
This project leverages blockchain and NFTs to incentivize community contributions, preserve local culture, and facilitate generational continuity, aiming to address regional issues and promote autonomous governance.
Commons Hub: from transactions to relationships
A new co-working/event space in Brussels focuses on learning about Commons, Public Goods, and DAOs, nurturing community relationships, and achieving full collective ownership within five years.
A mobile app offering a peer-to-peer environmental search engine and business location aggregator, free of ads, with features including blockchain integration, community-driven climate action, and sustainability support.
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Upe Impact
Upe empowers local communities by leveraging blockchain technology to crowdsource and syndicate information, enhancing community projects, and enabling efficient, secure data sharing.
Dhive: An all-in-one governance data platform for decentralized organizations, offering aggregated on-/off-chain data, trusted credentials, and a custom notification system for informed decision-making. Launching MVP soon.
RnDAO - empowering humane collaboration
RnDAO is an R&D DAO supporting web3 collaboration software startups through research, venture building, and community education, focusing on humane collaboration and operational excellence.
Train developers in web3, focusing on Dapps, through free community programs, boosting web3 adoption in campus communities.