GG21 DeSci Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 39000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$3900 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
An open-source personalized genomics platform with transparent, accessible tools and a genetic AI assistant for interpreting DNA, seeking support to enhance user-friendliness and explainability.
Strengthen FrontierDAO's community and operations in climate and fusion energy, collaborate with XPrize on FusionX, and develop outreach programs to educate about fusion energy and blockchain integration.
Gravity DAO
We support decentralized organizations by managing conflict, promoting trust, and enhancing leadership through education and community-building services, fostering a resilient and connected ecosystem.
Promoting scientific progress in Latin America through blockchain technology and decentralization, fostering open-source knowledge, and aiding researchers with tools and visibility.
Greenpill Kenya DeSci.
Researching biochar's role in carbon sequestration for agriculture and construction, focusing on sustainable farming practices and reducing construction impact by integrating biochar with vermicompost and cement.
ReFi Atlántico 🌊 | Incubation 🌱🌴
Colombian ReFiDAO Node aims to grow regenerative finance in Atlantico, harnessing the region's diverse ecosystems. It supports local ReFi projects, develops branding, and leads environmental hackathons for sustainability.
Ciencia Sinergica by Be-DAO
We are excited to share our progress in organizing blockchain events, fostering writing cohorts, hosting webinars, and producing high-quality content about decentralized science. Thank you for your support!
A mobile app offering a peer-to-peer environmental search engine and business location aggregator, free of ads, with features including blockchain integration, community-driven climate action, and sustainability support.
Non-profit finalist in XPRIZE competition aims to stop deforestation by 2030, employing local communities for data collection and offering financial transparency via a platform.
Ayowecca Uganda: Training rural farmers & indigenous communities on regenerative agriculture, providing women & girls with new skills for economic empowerment, and planting fruit trees in schools, health centers & churches.
Ugandan NGO trains rural farmers in sustainable agriculture, offers community climate resilience workshops, and aims to expand its facilities to empower women, families, and youth, while conducting large-scale tree planting and wetland restoration.
Please support OpenLitterMap
Developed since 2008, this project maps global litter in real-time and aims to stimulate local zero waste economies using cryptocurrency. Urgent funding is needed to keep it online.
The Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 1
The project promotes 20 key economic initiatives by integrating decentralized science principles. Iteration 2 aims to increase project features, broaden contributors, and establish decentralized governance. Seeking grant funding support.
Proof of Philanthropy: A Verifiable Giving Pledge for the Modern Age (GG21)
Proof of Philanthropy uses dynamic NFTs to verify and reward philanthropic actions, enabling transparent, on-chain recognition and incentivizing generosity. Expanding to more networks and integrations.
LifeShip | Decentralized space capsules
A decentralized community project sending a DNA seed bank time capsule to the Moon, storing Earth's genetic blueprint and cultural record, and engaging people in a participatory space program via a DAO.