GG21 DeSci Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 39000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$3900 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
RnDAO - empowering humane collaboration
RnDAO is an R&D DAO supporting web3 collaboration software startups through research, venture building, and community education, focusing on humane collaboration and operational excellence.
Family Food Bank (ReFi)
The Family Food Bank Project empowers families through sustainable tech, enhances food security, energy efficiency, and community resilience, leveraging Web3 and blockchain for global deployment and impact.
DeSci México
DeSci México is a community disseminating scientific research and blockchain applications in Spanish while addressing academic funding issues through decentralized solutions.
DeSci Sino
A community promoting DeSci among Mandarin speakers by fostering awareness, collaboration, and innovation through activities, meetings, and projects involving diverse professionals.
Follow The Black Hare
An open-source sci-fi game engaging users in modern complex themes like DeSci and DAOs through narrative choices impacting the story's outcome.
Treegens DAO 🌱🌳
A DAO enabling global mangrove tree planting with $MGRO token incentives and AI verification, aiming to plant 1 billion trees by Earth Day 2025, promoting transparency and ecological impact.
Farmers League
Developing on-chain governance, decision-making, and operations tools to enhance collaboration, productivity, and trust in decentralized organizations within a thriving Web3 community.
SpaceRadar is developing an AI-enhanced centralized platform to track space missions and facilitate payload matching for ridesharing on lunar explorations.
DeSci Tokyo
A Tokyo-based volunteer organization advocating decentralized science with three meetups, scholarly articles, and a major conference, seeks support for a 2024 DeSci conference and a funding experiment in Japan.
Amazonomy - Community-led Science
Establishing a fishery management system for Amazon's Negro River Basin communities using traditional methods, Hidromoths, and machine learning to track fish movements, improve efficiency, and enhance food security.
Decentralised Social Science - mitigating cancel culture - what people actually think?
A project to develop a decentralized tool to uncover people's true opinions on controversial topics, countering social desirability bias and cancel culture, through transparent and collaborative experimentation.
Advancing Blockchain Adoption in Philanthropy
This project will research blockchain adoption in the philanthropic sector and create an open-source framework to improve transparency, accountability, and efficiency, fostering enhanced donor engagement in charitable operations.
iPal Network
A decentralized data marketplace enabling entrepreneurs, creators, and researchers to monetize, advertise data, and create trustworthy databases using new tools and smart contracts.
DeSci Argentina
A community advancing Decentralized Science in Argentina, empowering researchers with Web3 tools to overcome financial barriers and drive sustainable progress amid economic instability.