GG21 DeSci Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 39000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$3900 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Regenerative Science Hub
We propose a Regenerative Science Encrypted Dashboard to decentralize, aggregate, and democratize scientific advancements, ensuring community ownership and privacy for researchers through a secure, collaborative interface.
Register MAXi
A decentralized platform for registering projects, documents, certifications, contracts, and inventions on the blockchain, ensuring global legal validity, security, and quick processing of intellectual property protections.
EcoSynthesisX DeSci - Cryptoeconomics and Environmental Impact
EcoSynthesisX utilizes Web3 and blockchain technology to make Public Goods liquid, launching impact product collections and funding initiatives for environmental and economic benefits.
Digital ID for Adaptation
This project examines digital identity's role in helping low-lying island populations like Palau and Vanuatu adapt to economic vulnerabilities and sea-level rise, aiming to empower policymakers and practitioners.
An on-chain protocol facilitating peer-to-peer revenue-sharing by connecting content through inspiration and source attribution, enhancing creator exposure and combating centralized control and information bubbles.
Drivyx ESG
Drivyx develops AI and blockchain-based tools for accessible and transparent ESG investing, aligning capital with projects supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals for global impact.
Rare Compute
Harnessing GPU-driven technology, a non-profit consortium unites patients, doctors, and scientists to accelerate research on rare genetic diseases, aiming to deliver treatments and improve countless lives worldwide.
Democratizing space technology via a DAO that nurtures a community for space exploration innovation, supports projects with an incubator program, and promotes open science through decentralized tools and tokenization.
DeSci Youths
Creating a central update platform to empower the next generation of citizen scientists in the global south within the DeSci ecosystem.
Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices
Open-source, off-chain voting dapp using an Elo-style system for simple, enjoyable community decision-making and project ranking with planned voter rewards and semi-anonymous options.
Atlantis develops tech for climate and social project coordination, streamlining NGOs and Social Enterprises' impact creation, operations, fundraising, and team management.
Leveraging software engineering and blockchain, this project aims to ensure the integrity and reproducibility of scientific data, fostering transparent and collaborative research to address the reproducibility crisis.
LunCo: Everyone Can Do Space
LunCo integrates Space & Robotics models into a collaborative virtual world for concurrent engineering, featuring educational play-to-learn modes and a social platform for sharing designs with IP-NFTs.