GG21 DeSci Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 39000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$3900 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Philadelphia AI Hack Night
Monthly AI Hack Night in Philadelphia fosters AI collaboration and knowledge sharing, focusing on decentralized science principles, open-source projects, and addressing scientific ecosystem challenges.
DeSci Thailand
DeSci Thailand promotes local DeSci and ReFi projects, organizes the "DeSci & ReFi in Thailand" Summit, and fosters collaboration between international researchers and Thai experts, focusing on key innovation areas.
Decentralized autonomous organization on Polygon's blockchain aims to transform personalized medicine research funding, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and patient-centered outcomes.
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
DeSci Africa
Empowering African scientists through Decentralized Science principles, DeSci Africa fosters a community for scientific development by providing educational resources, participating in events, and building a network for collaboration and innovation.
FunDeSci (Fundraising Platform for DeSci)
An ecosystem that leverages blockchain and NFTs for scientific crowdfunding, publishing, and knowledge sharing to enable researchers, investors, and organizations to collaborate, tokenize assets, and foster innovation.
DeSci Landscape Analysis
Multidisciplinary research group analyses DeSci ecosystem's operations, objectives, and infrastructure. Phase 2 just completed; Phase 3 will explore further insights. Funds needed for publishing and promotion.
A Natureza das Coisas
A non-profit DAO accelerating nature-based solutions by providing a decentralized platform for research collaboration and outsourcing, empowering scientists and fostering innovation for environmental sustainability.
Learning Data Science on the Ethereum Blockchain with @omnianalytics
Develop modular online courses combining data science, blockchain analytics, and statistical programming, aimed at new Ethereum developers. Utilize case studies and open data sources for practical applications.
GreenPill Brasil
Brazil-based initiative promotes socio-environmental regeneration through Web3 technology, enabling impactful community innovation and fostering climate resilience across Brazil and globally.
A project aims to enhance womxn's health by building a decentralized data platform with three modules: data collection, tech transfer marketplace, and co-governance, improving diagnosis, treatment, and reducing social costs.
ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun)
Combat deforestation in Nigeria by promoting climate awareness and organizing tree-planting events with local volunteers to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity.
Endangered Tokens DAO: Endangered Trees as ReFi Biodiversity Assets & Public Registry
A community-focused ReFi NFT project incentivizing biodiversity by tokenizing endangered trees, offering real-world impact through preservation and digital asset integration.
The DeSci Journals
A decentralized scientific publishing platform offering 100% copyright for authors, simple submission, options for open or paid access, digital cooperative compensation, and publication as NFTs.