$12.28 crowdfunded from 5 people
$15.23 received from matching pools
average score over 2 application evaluations
Taiwan's largest caregiver community launched a support program in 2023 for 900+ families, incorporating NFTs as digital mementos and advocating for a supportive caregiving network.
/ 串連孤獨的星光,孕育希望 / 星雲計劃是由台灣最大的照顧者社群愛長照,於 2023 年推出的家庭照顧者支持計劃,今年上線至今已陪伴 900 多個家庭面對照顧問題與壓力。 「長期照顧者,像是星空裡孤單的星。有沒有一片星雲,在星星誕生的瞬間,接住每個遇到困難的家庭? 在照顧問題發生的起點,陪伴照顧者度過挑戰,在燦爛的星雲裏,愛長照期許成為一個充滿希望與溫暖的照顧者支持網絡。」 FAB DAO 客廳這次與愛長照合作,一起為今年星雲計畫上線的集資專案打造 NFT,做為數位紀念回饋品。如果,每一個照顧者都是一顆星星、都是一個獨特的故事,我們能如何更認識他們? 《星雲計畫 NFT|啓航日》邀請大家一同啓航、探索,系列包含〈日光號 Solaris Explorer〉、〈夜空號 Nocturna Voyager〉兩款 NFT,象徵著照顧者們日夜不懈的守護。
執行方向 1.希望能藉由不同的呈現形式,讓更多人關心高齡照顧問題 2.藉由與 FAB DAO 合作,推動高齡相關的社會創新。 3.讓照顧者看見照顧的多元性,也能夠倡議相互連結的支持網絡。 4.表達出每個照顧者的情境的不同的出生背景、照顧情境,而助人者需要更細緻的了解原因 集資專案連結(至 11 / 30 結束) : https://lihi2.com/hrzys 官方網站 : https://www.ilong-termcare.com/ FB 粉專 : https://www.facebook.com/8525carehelper Line 官方帳號 : https://page.line.me/rki7826b?openQrModal=true
愛長照星雲計畫-照顧管家服務 History
accepted into FAB DAO 補助讚! 1 year ago. 5 people contributed $3 to the project, and $15 of match funding was provided.
accepted into gov0/FAB DAO/dao0 Live Rround 1 year ago.
People donating to 愛長照星雲計畫-照顧管家服務, also donated to
Art teacher Sugar Cheng conducts free seed art workshops for seniors, teaching jewelry and decoration crafting, seeking funds for supplies and venue costs.
Introduce a free therapeutic bracelet-making course in Taipei Beitou, involving professional guidance in crafting with crystals for unique personal creations.
Edge City aims to create popup tech and science villages globally as a 'society incubator' to accelerate human progress, with planned events in California and Southeast Asia in 2024.
Formosa Art Bank DAO is a Taiwan-based self-governing charity NFT organization, fostering a Web3 metaverse with blockchain education, community-building and global collaboration, focused on public goods and local chapter development.
Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》