Gitcoin Citizen Donny Jerri
average score over 4 application evaluations
Requesting funding for efforts in advocating "Funding what matters" and being a steward for LetsGROWdao's 24/7 Live space, following personal ethos of humility and directness.

So this is my Gitcoin Citizen Retro Grant, that means it has to be about me and what I have done, not projects, mine or those I have helped co-create are doing. That always makes me uncomfortable.

My father had many sayings that he tried to instill in us growing up. I will share two of them with you now.

  1. "You don't need to tell anyone how good you are, if you are that good they will tell you."
  2. "If you want something ask, the worst they can do is say no."

He was a wise man. These two sayings will inform my submission.

I am going to ask for some funding for the efforts I put in when given the opportunity to spread the word about, "Funding what matters". Feel free to say yes/no according to your conviction. Nothing will stop me from spreading this word as far and wide as I am able. Public Goods are Good! It's our mission as Gitcoin Citizens to help everyone understand that and how they can support public goods with the use of the Gitcoin Grant stack.

I will only speak about one thing I have done. That is being a steward for the 24/7 Live space organized by the LetsGROWdao members an community to support GG19 Grantees. Following my Dad's advice on the rest of it. If I am doing a good job in my role to support Gitcoin I don't need to tell you. You will tell me.

Gitcoin Citizen Donny Jerri History

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