Kula (कुल) Regenerative Commons

$330.27 crowdfunded from 134 people

$3,218.56 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Art, storytelling, and regenerative design drive this initiative to create regenerative livelihoods, fostering deep ecology, interconnectedness, and regenerative living globally.

🌍 A Journey Towards Regenerative and Compassionate Living 🌱

Kula's mission is to foster deep belonging and the right relationships through art, storytelling, and regenerative design. For the past six months, we have been working locally with change-makers and communities to co-create the initial conditions for regenerative livelihoods to emerge, guided by the principles of deep ecology. Our initiatives are led locally but transcend borders and cultural differences globally.

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We stand at the forefront of deep ecology prioritizing its profound interconnectedness over surface-level, shallow ecology. Treating every place and every being with respect, we choose love over fear, and champion the diversity of permaculture over the uniformity of monoculture. We aren’t just creating sanctuaries; we’re nurturing anti-fragile communities prepared for a future entangled with nature.

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🌟 Kula's Approach: Stewardship & Global Knowledge Weaving 🌐

Kula's core revolves around Stewardship and Global Knowledge Weaving, blending local action with global connections to amplify our mission's impact.


  • Local Action & Connection Each Kula project is led by a local steward who:
  • Manages daily operations aligning with our governance approach.
  • Connects with community members and stakeholders, representing Kula.
  • Allocates grassroots resources and manages risks.

Global Knowledge Weaving: Spreading Insights Worldwide

Our stewards not only act locally but contribute globally by:

-Sharing insights and best practices. -Promoting cross-pollination of ideas. -Collaborating on a global scale and assessing the impact of initiatives. -Through these efforts, Kula fosters global regenerative change, interconnectedness, and resilience.

🌿 Sacred Sanctuaries: Harmony with Nature 🌏

Regenerative Villages for Holistic Living Kula aims to:

  • Cultivate community learning.
  • Establish regenerative and compassionate living rooted in nature.
  • Integrate permaculture principles into sustainable models.
  • Sacred Sanctuaries (SS) go beyond conservation, integrating both tangible and spiritual elements for regenerative development.

The Essence of Sacred Sanctuaries Beyond being geographic spaces, Sacred Sanctuaries are entities of spiritual and ecological value, steeped in history and traditions. Kula focuses on reclaiming their significance while fostering human-nature symbiosis.

Beyond Conservation: Holistic Design We champion regenerative stewardship over mere conservation, pulling inspiration from indigenous wisdom. Key design pathways include: Design Pathways

The placement of each design pathway into the landscape is extremely important and needs to be analyzed as the goal is for waste is to be minimized. A closed-loop recycling environment that weaves the different pathways together can help to ensure the inputs and outputs of each pathway are connected with the inputs and outputs of other pathways in a mutually beneficial fashion.

Building Meaningful Relationships: Community Engagement

Central to the success of the Sacred Sanctuaries is our strong focus on community engagement. We understand that these sanctuaries are not just ecological assets, but also socio-cultural landscapes that shape community identities, livelihoods, and ways of life.

We work closely with local communities, recognizing them as equal partners in the stewardship of their sacred spaces. We encourage their active involvement in decision-making processes, integrating their traditional knowledge, values, and practices into our initiatives. This inclusivity fosters a sense of shared ownership and responsibility, strengthening community resilience and commitment to sanctuary protection.

Weaving Global Knowledge: Learning and Collaboration

Sacred Sanctuaries is also a platform for global knowledge weaving. We create channels for knowledge exchange between different sanctuaries, fostering cross-pollination of ideas and experiences. Through this global network, successful local strategies can be shared, adapted, and implemented in other contexts, promoting learning and collaboration across geographical boundaries.

By embracing Sacred Sanctuaries, we at Kula hope to contribute to a future where human societies live in harmony with nature, where the sacredness of our environment is revered, and where every community is empowered to steward their own sacred sanctuaries, ultimately leading us to a more sustainable, equitable, and regenerative world.

Stewarding Narratives: Regenerative Content and Education

The power of narrative is not just an anecdotal force but a potent binder that draws communities together, coalescing diverse stakeholders around a united vision for transformative change. By wielding narratives as a core tool, we dive into bioregional sub-narratives such as "Rethinking Urban Livelihoods," "Regenerating the Indo-Gangetic Plain," and "Conserving the Biodiversity of the Western Ghats." Each of these tales is not just a standalone story; they intricately interweave within the grander tapestry of regeneration and belonging crafting a narrative quilt that both enlightens and educates.

Central to this effort is the Unorthodox Publishing Co., a beacon within Kula's initiatives. Unorthodox doesn't merely narrate; it delves, exploring depths of local issues, challenging mainstream perceptions, and spotlighting stories that often lurk in the shadows. Through its unique approach, it brings to the fore narratives that provoke thought and challenge the status quo, nurturing a sense of belonging while pushing boundaries.

As these myriad narratives—both mainstream and Unorthodox—come together, they blur the lines between individual endeavors. In this melting pot of stories, we see the emergence of a dynamic, interconnected network of efforts that transcend the sum of their parts. This synergy amplifies each sub-narrative's resonance, catalyzing not just understanding, but sparking action, empowerment, and a collective drive towards a brighter, regenerative future.

By embracing Sacred Sanctuaries, we at Kula contribute to a future where human societies live in harmony with nature, where the sacredness of our environment is revered, and where every community is empowered to steward their own sacred sanctuaries, ultimately leading us to a more sustainable, equitable, and regenerative world.

🚀 Our Initiatives Focused on Climate Solutions 🌿

Unorthodox Publishing Co. 📇

Unorthodox Publishing Co., a cornerstone initiative of Kula, harnesses the transformative power of art and storytelling to cultivate community belonging. But Unorthodox isn't just about tales—it's about truth and action. It amplifies marginalized voices, particularly those bearing the brunt of climate change and environmental injustices. Going beyond surface-level narratives, Unorthodox dives deep, unearthing stories that challenge the status quo, shedding light on the intertwined paths of environmental regeneration and social justice.

By valuing diverse narratives, not only fosters a vibrant civic space where communities feel empowered to share but also paves the way for informed civic engagement, bridging the gap between awareness and actionable change. When these tales are woven and resonated across communities, they spark collective learning, instigating crucial dialogues on localized solutions and regenerative practices. In essence, Unorthodox isn't just a publisher—it's a catalyst, driving both understanding and unity in the face of global challenges.

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Kumta Sacred Sanctuary 🍃

Nestled within Karnataka's lush landscape, the Kumta Sanctuary stands as a beacon of Kula's commitment to holistic environmental stewardship. This sanctuary as part of the bioregional narrative of "Conserving the Biodiversity of the Western Ghats" represents more than just a conservation project; it's a multifaceted climate solution. By closely collaborating with local communities and land stewards, we've developed a sanctuary that champions biodiversity, regeneration, and climate resilience.

Here, native species find refuge, ensuring ecosystem balance and resilience to climate disturbances. Through afforestation and regenerative agricultural practices, the sanctuary functions as a natural carbon sink and bolsters soil health. Furthermore, by integrating indigenous knowledge with modern conservation techniques, we're not only preserving the environment but also cultivating regenerative livelihood opportunities. With each step, Kumta embodies the fusion of ecological conservation with community empowerment, leading the way for regenerative climate solutions in the heart of India.

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Bangalore Sacred Sanctuary 🌿

Situated within the vibrant heart of one of India's bustling metropolises, the Bangalore Sanctuary stands as a testament to rethinking urban livelihoods in the face of rapid urbanization and environmental degradation. This sanctuary is not just about ecological restoration; it's a radical reenvisioning of how urban spaces can harmonize with nature. Partnering with local communities, the sanctuary emerges as an oasis amidst concrete jungles, bringing together vibrant green spaces, community engagement, and ecological education.

Beyond merely adding greenery, the sanctuary serves as a functional climate solution. It plays a pivotal role in carbon sequestration, moderating urban heat islands, and innovatively managing water resources. Moreover, it serves as a tangible bridge, reconnecting urban dwellers to nature's rhythms and emphasizing the critical roles of biodiversity, regenerative livelihoods, and conservation in modern city life. This initiative is not just about rewilding a fragment of the urban space; it's a bold reimagining of city life, threading it with regenerative practices, traditional wisdom, and a profound respect for our environment. Through such projects, we are challenging and reshaping the narrative of urban development, advocating for cities that don't just grow, but thrive in harmony with nature.

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Shimla Sacred Sanctuary 🏔

Situated in the majestic landscapes of Himachal Pradesh, the Shimla Sacred Sanctuary is more than just a conservation effort; it stands as a beacon of climate resilience and regenerative living. This sanctuary seeks to renew the profound connection between the local communities and their natural surroundings, championing an approach that merges time-tested wisdom with modern environmental imperatives. Our emphasis on restoring traditional architecture symbolizes a dual commitment: preserving a rich cultural heritage and leveraging designs that naturally combat climate challenges, all while employing locally sourced materials that reduce carbon footprints.

Central to the sanctuary's vision is its intricate water management system. Drawing inspiration from the Himalayan contours and the winding courses of its rivers, we've adopted measures that not only conserve water but also recharge groundwater levels, thus securing a sustainable water source for the community. This emphasis on water also speaks to the sanctuary's broader "source to sink" philosophy, a comprehensive approach to water management that fosters sustainable utilization while minimizing wastage.

Beyond physical structures, Shimla Sanctuary serves as an educational hub. By immersing locals and visitors in a space where they can witness the seamless amalgamation of heritage and regeneration, we are cultivating a community that is acutely aware of climate issues and motivated to be part of the solution. Moreover, while the sanctuary's biodiversity conservation initiatives remain implicit, their role in fostering resilient ecosystems cannot be overstated. Together, these efforts mark the Shimla Sanctuary as a foundational step in our broader mission across the Indo-Gangetic Plain, aiming to craft settlements that are both water-resilient and environmentally harmonious.

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📈 Project Updates and Lessons Learned 🌟

New Locations and Local Partnerships

  • Expanded Reach: We have expanded our geographical footprint, reaching out to new locations for our initiatives. These include Kumta and Bengaluru in India as well as soon to emerge more sites in Himachal Pradesh.
  • Local Partnerships: We've fostered strategic partnerships with local land stewards, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices while also strengthening the foundation for our local initiatives.

Territorial and Bioregional Narratives

  • Storytelling: We are consolidating individual community members' stories into more comprehensive territorial and bioregional narratives.
  • Diverse Contexts: These narratives are rooted in the rich diversity of the bioregions we are engaged with, thereby contributing to the broader narrative of planetary belonging and regeneration.

Surveys and Community Feedback

  • Needs Assessment: Our ongoing informal surveys and assessments help us to understand the unique needs and available resources of each community, allowing us to tailor our initiatives to address specific issues.
  • Feedback Incorporation: We prioritize the input of the community members, ensuring their voices are heard and their feedback is integrated into the planning and implementation of our projects.

💡 How Additional Funding Will Help 🌈

  • Strategic Development: Additional funds will enable us to further refine our strategies based on the lessons we've learned and the best practices we've developed.
  • Network Expansion: We aim to expand our network of partners and collaborators, which will provide us with access to more resources, expertise, and local knowledge.
  • Project Acceleration: With additional funding, we can speed up the implementation and scaling of our initiatives, increasing their positive impact on communities and the environment.
  • Progress Tracking: Additional resources will also allow us to better measure and track our progress, providing valuable insights that can inform our future efforts and contribute to the broader climate solutions community.

📅 Rough Timeline for Project Goals ⏳

  • Funding and Planning (Q1-Q2): Secure funding, finalize project plans, and begin on-the-ground implementation for all three initiatives.
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Q3-Q4): Begin implementation, monitor progress and gather data on the impact of our projects, adjusting strategies as needed.
  • Expansion and Development (Q1-Q2, next year): Expand our initiatives to reach more communities and further develop our global knowledge-weaving network.
  • Evaluation and Refinement (Q3-Q4, next year): Evaluate the long-term success and sustainability of our initiatives, refining our approach and preparing for future projects.

🌈 Conclusion 🌟

By funding our initiatives, you will contribute to:

  • Local Economies: The development of thriving local, regenerative economies that are self-sustainable and beneficial for community members.
  • Community Connection: Fostering a deep sense of belonging and connection within and between communities through shared experiences and collaborative efforts.
  • Climate Solutions: Directly impacting climate solutions by promoting green spaces, regenerative economic practices, and resilient communities.

Together, we can build a better world for future generations through regenerative and compassionate living.

Kula (कुल) Regenerative Commons History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 134 people contributed $330 to the project, and $3,219 of match funding was provided.

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